- From: merlin <merlin@baltimore.ie>
- Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 14:46:48 +0100
- To: reagle@w3.org
- Cc: w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org
Hi Joseph, I think there is one paragraph of the exclusive c14n spec that is unclear: Section 3, item 3: For every namespace node with a prefix that does not appear in the InclusiveNamespacePrefix List, a namespace declaration is output at every output element where that prefix is visibly utilized and /that prefix and its value does not appear in the nearest output ancestor with the same prefix/. I presume that 'output element' means an element in the node set; i.e., non-inclusive namespace nodes are never emitted if their parent element is not in the node set. I presume that 'with the same prefix' means that the namespace prefix is visibly utilized. And, I presume that 'does not appear' means that the element does not have a namespace node in the node set with the same local name and value. I would suggest, if it is not too late, the following more-explicit text (which is basically the language from c14n adapted to our needs): A namespace node N with a prefix that does not appear in the InclusiveNamespacePrefix is ignored if any of the following conditions are met: 1. Its parent element is not in the node set. 2. It is not visibly utilized by its parent element. 3. The nearest ancestor element of its parent element that visibly utilizes the namespace prefix and is in the node-set has a namespace node in the node-set with the same local name and value as N. This is not a change, per se, but a clarification of the text. If we can't change the text at this stage, maybe this should be an erratum/clarification. Our current text is otherwise open to interpretation.. Merlin r/reagle@w3.org/2002.05.24/15:19:44 > > >Exclusive XML Canonicalization Becomes a W3C Proposed Recommendation > > 24 May 2002: W3C is pleased to announce the advancement of Exclusive > XML Canonicalization Version 1.0 to Proposed Recommendation. Produced > by the joint IETF/W3C XML Signature Working Group on digital > signatures, the specification provides a method to exclude ancestor > context from a canonicalized subset of an XML document. Read about XML > Signature. > >W3C Proposed Recommendation 24 May 2002 > > This version: > http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/PR-xml-exc-c14n-20020524/ > > Latest version: > http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-exc-c14n > > Previous version: > http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/CR-xml-exc-c14n-20020212 > > Authors/Editors: > John Boyer, PureEdge Solutions Inc., jboyer@PureEdge.com > Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Motorola, Donald.Eastlake@Motorola.com > Joseph Reagle, W3C, reagle@w3.org >
Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 09:47:23 UTC