Re: Y5 Exclusive C145n interop; was Re: c14n/exc-c14n interop samples

>On Wednesday 05 June 2002 09:53 am, merlin wrote:
>> Perfect.
>Ok, so aside from typos and bits of cruft I've introduced in editing 
>(please let me know) I think we've greatly improved upon the specification 
>of the processing.
> $Revision: 1.72 $ 

Agreed, things are much more clear. §3, 4.3.3, 
  "...the nearest output ancestor of its parent element that visibly
   utilizes the namespace prefix has a namespace node in the node-set
   with the a different namespace prefix and value as N."

This doesnt't quite capture it. Either:
  "...the nearest output ancestor of its parent element that visibly
   utilizes the namespace prefix does not have a namespace node in
   the node-set with the same prefix and value as N."
  "...the nearest output ancestor of its parent element that visibly
   utilizes the namespace prefix has a namespace node in the node-set
   with the same prefix and a different value than N, or has no
   namespace node in the node set with the same prefix as N."


>1. I tweaked step 3 in the specification to be positive (rules for 
>rendering instead of ignoring so as to be consistent wi th everything else.)
>2. I gave the implementation its own little section: "3.1 Constrained 
>Implementation (non-normative)"
>3. In the implementation I broke out the creation of ns_rendered as its own 
>(first) step.
>4. The last step is now clear with respect to ns_rendered.
>> >
>> >new revision: 1.22
>> BTW, the interop report says Excl[ui]sve.

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2002 12:24:03 UTC