- From: Aleksey Sanin <aleksey@aleksey.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:27:00 -0700
- To: merlin <merlin@baltimore.ie>, reagle@w3.org
- CC: Gregor Karlinger <gregor.karlinger@cio.gv.at>, TAMURA Kent <kent@trl.ibm.co.jp>, Ari Kermaier <arik@phaos.com>, w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org
Hi, Joseph, My C14N and ExcC14N implementations included in LibXML passed all Gregor's examples. I have some problems with Merlin's signature test but I think it's a mistake in the test (see bellow). Also I have few comments to Gregor's examples Aleksey. Issues: -------------------------------------- 1) There are extra space in the "Result EC14N" (line 34) in the iaikTests.example3.xml file. I believe it's copy/paste problem :) 2) In all iaikTests.example*.xml files there are extra spaces at the end of all results (after </Parent>). I assume that there are no more characters after </Parent>. 3) (Merlin's "signature" test") The Merlin's c14n-0.txt file is different from the result in iaikTests.example1.xml. From my point of view the last is correct: c14n-0.txt ------------------------------ <Parent xml:foo="bar" xml:fool="barbar" xml:lang="en" xml:space="default"> <GrandChild xml:foo="barbarossa" xml:lang="ge" xml:space="preserve"></GrandChild> </Parent> iaikTests.example1.xml ------------------------------- <!-- Result C14N <Parent xml:foo="bar" xml:fool="barbar" xml:lang="en" xml:space="default"> <GrandChild xml:foo="barbarossa" xml:fool="barbar" xml:lang="ge" xml:space="preserve"></GrandChild> </Parent> -->
Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 13:28:38 UTC