Re: c14n/exc-c14n interop samples

Hi, Merlin!

I have a question regarding your examples. You've canonicalized the second
reference as follows (c14n-1.txt):

<bar:Something xmlns:bar="" xml:lang="en-ie">
     <foo:Something xmlns:foo="">
        <bar:Something xmlns:bar="">
           <foo:Something xmlns:foo="">

and it seems to me that according to
the correct c14n form is the following (unnecessary namespace 
declarations are removed):

<bar:Something xmlns:bar="" xml:lang="en-ie">
     <foo:Something xmlns:foo="">

With best regards,

Aleksey Sanin
XML Security Library <>.

merlin wrote:

>Attached is a signature with 9 XPath-transformed examples
>run through c14, exc-c14n and exc-c14n with an inclusive
>namespace prefix list. The XPath transforms variously
>manipulate the namespace axis to demonstrate c14n behaviour
>in different situations. For example:
><foo:Root xmlns:bar=""
>          xmlns:baz="" 
>          xmlns:foo=""
>          xmlns=""
>          xml:lang="en-ie">
>  <bar:Something>
>     <foo:Something>
>        <bar:Something>
>           <foo:Something>
>             <baz:Something />
>           </foo:Something>
>        </bar:Something>
>     </foo:Something>
>  </bar:Something>
>  <Signature xmlns="" ... />
>The following XPath selects the bar:Something subtree, but
>only includes namespace nodes that are directly used by their
>parent element.
>  ancestor-or-self::bar:Something  and
>  (self::text()  or
>   (namespace-uri() != "")  or
>   (string(self::node()) = namespace-uri(parent::node())))
>I believe that the canonical form is then:
><bar:Something xmlns:bar="" xml:lang="en-ie">
>     <foo:Something xmlns:foo="">
>        <bar:Something xmlns:bar="">
>           <foo:Something xmlns:foo="">
>             <baz:Something xmlns:baz=""></baz:Something>
>           </foo:Something>
>        </bar:Something>
>     </foo:Something>
>  </bar:Something>
>And I believe that the exclusive canonical form is:
><bar:Something xmlns:bar="">
>     <foo:Something xmlns:foo="">
>        <bar:Something>
>           <foo:Something>
>             <baz:Something xmlns:baz=""></baz:Something>
>           </foo:Something>
>        </bar:Something>
>     </foo:Something>
>  </bar:Something>

Received on Friday, 31 May 2002 01:23:40 UTC