Re: Performace data and comparison

Hi, Christian!

I've implemented your transform and the results are slightly better than
for the Merlin's one but I also have close to linear performance drop.
I probably can do some minor optimizations but I doubt that it'll give
more than 5-10% performance increase.
In general, your transform is much more complicated than Merlin's one
and I am not sure that it'll be simple to use it correctly.


apapachesample_apachefilter_doc_1.xml: Executed 100 tests in 100 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_2.xml: Executed 100 tests in 260 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_3.xml: Executed 100 tests in 260 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_4.xml: Executed 100 tests in 270 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_5.xml: Executed 100 tests in 290 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_6.xml: Executed 100 tests in 290 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_7_optimal.xml: Executed 100 tests in 390 msec
apachesample_apachefilter_doc_7.xml: Executed 100 tests in 340 msec
xfilter2spec_apachefilter_doc_3.xml: Executed 100 tests in 40 msec


Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2002 23:52:21 UTC