Benjamin Nowack
Catherine Dolbear
Chum, Frank Y
Dan Brickley
Danny Ayers
- Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Saturday, 31 March)
- [Information Gathering] data augmentation, ratings (was Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation) (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Saturday, 31 March)
- Integration demonstrator? (was Re: RDF and SPARQL derivative of THALIA) (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Friday, 30 March)
- Re: F2F & FAQ (Thursday, 29 March)
- Regrets for 2007-03-21 (Wednesday, 21 March)
- Re: [admin] removing posts from archive (Sunday, 18 March)
- [admin] removing posts from archive (Sunday, 18 March)
- Fwd: Question... (Sunday, 18 March)
- Fwd: Question... (Sunday, 18 March)
- Re: SWEO Telcon (Wednesday, 14 March)
- knowee - O'Reilly's requirements (Wednesday, 14 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: task force information gathering: what do we want? (Monday, 5 March)
Dunja Ewinger
Ian Davis
Ivan Herman
- Re: Semantic Web according to wikipedia (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: Semantic Web according to wikipedia (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: SWEO-Information gathering - URL Change re. RDF Browser (Friday, 30 March)
- Re: minutes of our latest meeting (Friday, 30 March)
- minutes of our latest meeting (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Re: SWEO Telcon READ THIS, CHANGE ON THE TELCO DATA!!! (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Re: Notes from today's call (Thursday, 22 March)
- [Fwd: W3C brochures examples] (Wednesday, 21 March)
- Re: Notes from today's call (Wednesday, 21 March)
- Re: Joint Oracle/Siderean Use Case (Wednesday, 21 March)
- Re: SemWeb Press Coverage (Tuesday, 20 March)
- Web 3.0 Survives The Wrath Of Wikipedians - Technology News by InformationWeek (Tuesday, 20 March)
- Re: Coverage in today's Guardian (Monday, 19 March)
- Re: Introduction: Yue Pan (Sunday, 18 March)
- Books are now in RDF format (Sunday, 18 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: SWEO Logo ideas/ variations (Thursday, 15 March)
- Re: SWEO promotion material (Thursday, 15 March)
- Re: SWEO logo scribbling (Tuesday, 13 March)
- Re: [Fwd: RE: AW: European Semantic Technologies Conference] (Monday, 12 March)
- Re: SWEO logo scribbling (Sunday, 11 March)
- Minutes of our meetings are at... (Wednesday, 7 March)
- Re: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: task force information gathering: what do we want? (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: Two comments to the FAQ (Thursday, 1 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Thursday, 1 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Thursday, 1 March)
Jeff Pollock
Karen Myers
Kingsley Idehen
- Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: Integration demonstrator? (was Re: RDF and SPARQL derivative of THALIA) (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Saturday, 31 March)
- Re: Logo Request (Friday, 30 March)
- Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Friday, 30 March)
- Re: F2F & FAQ (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Re: F2F & FAQ (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Re: [Info Gathering Related]: Data Access, Querying, and Aggregation part 1 of 2 (Aggregation Workflow) (Wednesday, 28 March)
- [Info Gathering Related]: Data Access, Querying, and Aggregation part 2 of 2 (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Re: SWEO-Information gathering - URL Change re. RDF Browser (Monday, 26 March)
- Re: SWEO-Information gathering - URL Change re. RDF Browser (Monday, 26 March)
- Typo corrections: Fwd: Question... (Sunday, 18 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- Re: Introductions (Wednesday, 14 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Lee Feigenbaum
Leo Sauermann
- [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation (Friday, 30 March)
- Sweo telcon-late excuse - summary info gathering (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Re: SWEO-Information gathering - URL Change re. RDF Browser (Monday, 26 March)
- [INFO GATHERING] - next steps - please read (continued on list) (Friday, 23 March)
- Re: SWEO Logo ideas/ variations (Monday, 19 March)
- missed telcon (Wednesday, 14 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Wednesday, 7 March)
- Cool URIs for the Semantic Web (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: task force information gathering: what do we want? (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Monday, 5 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
- sweo events (Friday, 2 March)
- Re: task force information gathering: what do we want? (Friday, 2 March)
- task force information gathering: what do we want? (Friday, 2 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
- Re: data format for gathered information (Friday, 2 March)
Melliyal Annamalai
Orri Erling
Pasquale Popolizio
Paul Walsh, Segala
- RE: minutes of our latest meeting (Thursday, 29 March)
- RE: Notes from today's call (Wednesday, 21 March)
- RE: Notes from today's call (Wednesday, 21 March)
- RE: [Telcon] Regrets (Wednesday, 21 March)
- RE: Coverage in today's Guardian (Monday, 19 March)
- Coverage in today's Guardian (Monday, 19 March)
- RE: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: [Fwd: SDForum Ontology vs. Folksonomy] (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: SWEO promotion material (Friday, 16 March)
- RE: SWEO Logo ideas/ variations (Friday, 16 March)
- The Semantic Web and Content Labels are cool (Wednesday, 14 March)
- RE: SWEO Telcon (Tuesday, 13 March)
- RE: SWEO logo scribbling (Tuesday, 13 March)
- RE: MIT Technology Review: A Smarter Web (Monday, 12 March)
- RE: XTech 2007 SemWeb BoF (Friday, 9 March)
- RE: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- RE: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- RE: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- RE: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- RE: On Tim's testimony at the US Senate comm (Monday, 5 March)
- RE: F2F Meeting in Stavanger (Thursday, 1 March)
- Content Labels in plain English (Thursday, 1 March)
Paula-Lavinia Patranjan
Sandro Hawke
Schiffel, Jeffrey A
Susie M Stephens
Susie Stephens
- Joint Oracle/Siderean Use Case (Tuesday, 20 March)
- UT Case Study (Friday, 16 March)
- Ordnance Survey Use Case (Friday, 16 March)
- Introductions (Wednesday, 14 March)
- Re: SWEO promotion material (Wednesday, 14 March)
- Re: Attachement (Wednesday, 14 March)
- Re: SWEO Logo ideas/ variations (Wednesday, 14 March)
- SWEO Telcon (Tuesday, 13 March)
- [Fwd: RE: AW: European Semantic Technologies Conference] (Thursday, 8 March)
- F2F Registration (Wednesday, 7 March)
- SWEO Telcon (Tuesday, 6 March)
Tassilo Pellegrini
Uldis Bojars
Wing C Yung
Yue Pan
Last message date: Saturday, 31 March 2007 22:33:32 UTC