Re: task force information gathering: what do we want?


I updated our "mission statement" a little to reflect your goals.

"The goal of the information-gathering task is to identify existing 
Semantic Web resources, and to ensure that they are easy for others to 
find and utilize going forwards. Information is gathered about tools, 
products, code, demos, papers and books. Existing collections of 
information are imported and syndicated. The data format of gathered 
resources will be RDF and should conform to a set of RDF/S vocabularies 
recommended by us. The gathered resources are presented on a website, 
can be annotated and searched. Users can find these resources based on a 
categorization ontology. This website is named '''Semantic Web 
Information Portal''', or short '''SWIP'''. "

My english is not very creative, if anyone wants to make this statement 
sound better, please go ahead and edit on the wiki page:

Es begab sich aber da Danny Ayers zur rechten Zeit 05.03.2007 10:27 
folgendes schrieb:
> On 02/03/07, Leo Sauermann <> wrote:
>> what do you want?
> Very good question!
> What I personally want is *something* in place to get the ball
> rolling. So the question is, what's the minimum possible that could
> possibly work? I'll take your point on this:
> * I want to have a working way of gathering information items
> I would imagine this in practice being :
> 1. a collection of source URIs
> 2. a (set of) tool(s) for automatically gathering the data at those 
> URIs in RDF
> 3. the publication of the collected data on the web (as RDF)
> I agree entirely that the specific vocabularies used are secondary
> (but would aim to capture as much of the source information as
> reasonably possible).
> Again, I'm happy with the ultimate goal being a user-friendly portal
> for this data, but would suggest the primary task is information
> gathering, not presentation.
it seems that we as a group are interested primarily in gathering.
> If the data has been gathered, then other parties may be willing to
> present it before we have a portal in place. As an extreme example,
> assuming the data was made available in not-big chunks, it could be
> viewed in Tabulator out of the box.
> For a more end-user friendly example, I'd be happy to set up a
> Longwell install on my own server (if you point the default install at
> a directory containing RDF files, it provides a facetted view of the
> data - it's very low effort). Lots of folks have data browser demos
> online, they could provide different interfaces to that same data.
I would say it is a longwell in the center + a column to the left 
showing the SKOS
taxonomy of information items, for navigation.

> Looking further ahead, I can't remember if I've mentioned this before,
> but the kind of presentation I'd really like to see is a
> make-your-own-tutorial setup. You use drop-down lists to select your
> current knowledge, any particular angle you'd like to take (e.g.
> semweb for managers, semweb for XML people, semweb for database
> people...) etc. The system would then provide a customised "course",
> looking something like Franconi's DL course:
woah, thats over the rainbow :-)

I would be happy to have three to five well-described paths,
should be enough.
"Semantic Web Introduction"
"Semantic Web for Business People"
"Creating Web Sites using SemWeb"
"Sem web for Data Integration"

each should have about 7 items (not much more, not much less)
then the user says: hey, I can read a handful of articles, thats doable 
in my time.

I would expect a usual learner from a business environment has 1 hour to 
look at it first
(to get the confirmation by his/her boss to do learning semweb )
and then two to three days to get into it.

> If tagging data was included, something like this would be
> very close out of the box with a facetted data browser.
still, I think even as an interface for interested people is 
Compared to a proper portal ....

anybody knows good technology portals where we can copy/paste ideas from?

> Cheers,
> Danny.

DI Leo Sauermann 

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
Kuenstliche Intelligenz DFKI GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122
P.O. Box 2080           Fon:   +49 631 20575-116
D-67663 Kaiserslautern  Fax:   +49 631 20575-102
Germany                 Mail:

Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Monday, 5 March 2007 13:50:27 UTC