Re: SWEO Logo ideas/ variations

Style 1) but with the globe-O from 2)

colours ain't bad (green),
the chalkboard is not intuitively recognizeable as such, perhaps adding 
a piece of chalk somewhere may help.
The E from 3) is much more readable as E than the E from 1)


(p.s.: but as usually, judging logos is a headache, true art requires 
you to make a daunting beauty and ignore the critics. otherwise we may 
end up in a frankenstein of all logos making everybody equally unhappy :-)

It was Paula-Lavinia Patranjan who said at the right time 19.03.2007 
08:56 the following words:
> Paul Walsh, Segala wrote:
>> Personally I like the non-RDF ones because it’s almost like a brand 
>> refresh. I hate reviewing this stuff as it’s so personal. I’m not 
>> overly keen on the grey colours but my preferred logo is the first.
> +1
> Regards,
> Paula
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* 
>> [] *On Behalf Of *Susie Stephens
>> *Sent:* 14 March 2007 21:09
>> *To:* Benjamin Nowack
>> *Cc:*
>> *Subject:* Re: SWEO Logo ideas/ variations
>> Hi Benjamin,
>> I think my favorite is the the rdf logo, and the O as globe, as it's 
>> clear and uncluttered even when it's reduced to a postage stamp size. 
>> Is there anyway that you can make the SWEO text pop out a little more?
>> Cheers,
>> Susie
>> *On 3/14/07, **Benjamin Nowack** < 
>> <>> wrote:*
>> I had an action item to create some logo variations based on the
>> feedback during today's telcon. There is now a page on the wiki [1]
>> where I've put up the previous versions and also some new ones.
>> The page can be used for feedback and additional logo samples.
>> Thanks,
>> Benjamin
>> [1] **
>> -- 
>> Benjamin Nowack
>> **

DI Leo Sauermann 

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Received on Monday, 19 March 2007 13:29:55 UTC