Re: data format for gathered information

Es begab sich aber da Danny Ayers zur rechten Zeit 05.03.2007 16:38 
folgendes schrieb:
> On 02/03/07, Leo Sauermann <> wrote:
>> > I wasn't really expecting the "external" participants to be providing
>> > the data in RDF/XML.
>> We asked Michael K Bergman from "sweet tools"[1] to provide their data
>> in RDF/XML, he loved the idea and asked: tell me which RDF vocab to use.
>> Dave Beckett's list is already in RDF/RSS.
> That's cool - I thought Dave's list was only in HTML.

I looked at it very intensive, I like its simplicity and newsreader 
Why say to a million of RSS readers: hey, you are *out of SWEO* if you 
can support them....

>> If we provide a RDF data format description that can be used by others
>> to express their lists of resources, we can aggregate their data and
>> import it to a portal, or aggregate it and provide the data as
>> feed/SPARQL endpoint.
> This sounds fine, my only concern was expecting the maintainers of the
> lists to do an (e.g.) HTML to RDF conversion.
Most of the providers have a CMS, or some way to manage their data.
CMS can spit out RSS.
>> > That ontology uses SKOS to define the concepts associated with
>> > folksonomy tags, I thought they might be useful in this context.
>> >
>> I find only one scarce reference to SKOS on this page.
>> And they don't use skos, if they had, they would have represented tags
>> as Skos concepts and not with the "Tag" class,
> It does both -
> :Tag a owl:Class ;
>  rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept ;
>  skos:definition "A natural-language concept which is used to
> annotate another resource."@en ;
>  rdfs:label "Tag"@en .
ahok, didn't notice,
still SKOS should suffice, or?

> Cheers,
> Danny.

DI Leo Sauermann 

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Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2007 14:13:25 UTC