Re: SWEO promotion material

Hi Dunja,

I think your plans sounds excellent. I look forward to hearing what you
think about possibly simplifying the layout for the overview.

Lets discuss during next week's call which use cases/case studies/community
projects we'd like to include in the conference pack.

Ivan will need to respond to your question about money.



On 3/14/07, Dunja Ewinger <> wrote:
> Hi Susie,
> to see what format I was talking about please find attached the Semantic
> Web Days Flyer (Flyer_swd.pdf).
> My idea is to create a generell Semantic Web flyer in this format. It
> would consist of the (current version of the) SWEO Logo, maybe the W3C
> Logo would be good as well, a slogan (that would probably needs to be
> discussed...), maybe the layer cake, a nice "eye catcher" (e.g.image),
> and generell information on SW (introduction, categories, application
> areas, FAQ...)
> I will put together the material and give it to the designer, so she can
> start. A very first draft (pdf) will be then sent around by latest
> Thursday next week, maybe on time for the telcon on Wednesday.
> Within the 3 weeks I'm in holiday the SWEO group should discuss the
> flyer in terms of:
> the slogan
> the logo
> Is the information in the correct order?
> What should be the core messages?
> Is something missing?
> Is the text correct?
> etc.
> So by the time I return the designer can continue to work on the flyer
> with all the input from SWEO. In this way it should be not a problem to
> have the flyer ready for the ESTC.
> I agree with the idea to present use cases or case studies. But of
> course one would need to select a few from the current list. How do we
> decide which use case we should take?
> One idea that came up during the telcon was to describe the common
> projects. It would be good to make a generell decision: shall we present
> "solutions" or shall we describe most promising projects but without
> solutions yet?
> Another question is how we should present either the use cases or the
> projects. In full text or in a table? I found an example for the table
> format that could be feasible:
> I asked the designer to think about possible presentation formats for
> the use cases (series of papers, a booklet...). Maybe we can discuss
> that during the next telcon.
> Regarding the finances: is there any money in W3C/SWEO that could be
> spent on the promotion material? REWERSE could of course pay a part of
> the costs but since we are an EU project we have limited financial
> resources... An idea could be that REWERSE pays the cost for the design
> and W3C for the print.
> What do you think?
> Kind regards,
> Dunja
> --
> Dunja Ewinger
> Technology Transfer & Awareness
> EU-network of Excellence REWERSE
> Tel.: +49 89 548 088 48
> Email:
> REWERSE is member of the W3C SWEO Interest Group

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 21:24:09 UTC