4TH REASONING WEB SUMMER SCHOOL (RW 2008): Call for participation (online applications open now!)
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon April 15
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon April 21
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon April 29
[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon April 8 (revised)
[Admin] draft Minutes from April 22, 2008 telecon
[Asmin] Agenda for RIF telecon April 8
[BLD] comments on BLD draft
[BLD] review of snapshot version http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/draft/ED-rif-bld-20080410/
[DTB] ACTIONs 428 and 292 completed
[FLD+BLD] Diagrams
[FLD] Comments on draft dated April 7
[Fwd: Re: Questions about BLD conditions and rule syntax and XML translation]
[ISSUE-51] Formulae wrappers (1/2: abstract and concrete)
[ISSUE-51] Formulae wrappers (1/2: abstract and concrete) -- small metadata handle
[ISSUE-51] Formulae wrappers (2/2: required or optional)
[ISSUE-51] organising a RIF document VS attaching metadata to items?
[RIF] comments on BLD, April 10 version
[RIF] comments on FLD, April 10 version
[RIF] draft minutes for 29 April 2008 telecon
[rif] draft minutse from 2008-04-01 teleconf
ACTION-430, Move specialization sections to appendices
ACTION-440, Add some test cases to the WIKI page about test cases
AGENDA and BLD Snapshot
ATTENTION: Revisiting a resolution
BLD changes from Apr 7 to Apr 10
Corrected draft minutes of RIF telecon, April 8
CURIE proposal ...
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Bijan Parsia (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Bijan Parsia (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Bijan Parsia (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Jos de Bruijn (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Bijan Parsia (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Jos de Bruijn (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 22 April)
- Jos de Bruijn (Tuesday, 22 April)
CURIE proposal ... (was: Re: [DTB] ACTIONs 428 and 292 completed)
data type extenibility (ISSUE-34)
discussion of metadata proposals
document publication mechanics - for editors
draft minutes of RIF telecon, April 8
DTB intermediate commit - still working on it
DTB status (on today's agenda)
- Michael Kifer (Wednesday, 30 April)
- Axel Polleres (Wednesday, 30 April)
- Michael Kifer (Wednesday, 30 April)
- Axel Polleres (Wednesday, 30 April)
- Michael Kifer (Wednesday, 30 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 30 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 29 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 29 April)
- Michael Kifer (Tuesday, 29 April)
- Axel Polleres (Tuesday, 29 April)
FLD Snapshow ready (was Re: AGENDA and BLD Snapshot)
Galway registration/regrets survey (RIF F2F10)
import qus <-- RE: imports + metadata
importing RDF and OWL
imports "entailment regimes"
imports + metadata
issue-49 (xml naming) and BLD
ISSUE-50: Metadata [BLD]
ISSUE-51: Another possible compromise for metadata syntax
ISSUE-51: Another possible compromise for metadata syntax --> org vs metadata
ISSUE-51: MetaData Syntax and Rule Identification [Technical Design (multiple dialects/documents)]
ISSUE-52 (Entailment Regimes): Specification of OWL & RDF entailment regimes [CP] [OWL/RDF Compatibility]
ISSUE-53: Annotation Properties in OWL [CP] [OWL/RDF Compatibility]
ISSUE-54 (DL-Safeness): What level of safeness in BLD/OWL-Dl combinations is required. [OWL/RDF Compatibility]
ISSUE-55 (STRIPING): Should the XML syntax be fully striped [CP] [Technical Design (multiple dialects/documents)]
ISSUE-56 (Shortcuts): Should the presentation syntax have a simplied form in addition to the verbose form [CP] [BLD]
ISSUE-57 (Syntax Extensibility): Should the BLD XML syntax have an extensibility mechanism [CP] [BLD]
ISSUE-58 (COMMENTS): Embedded Comments in BLD [BLD]
ISSUE-59 (SURVIVABILITY): Survivability of metadata and comments [BLD]
Last call issues
Metadata for all and PS for metadata (Was Re: where to hang the metadata?)
Minutes from April 15, 2008, telecon
modules in RIF
new snapshots
PRD thoughts <--: where to hang the metadata?
Publication plan- REVIEWERS NEEDED!
publications are done
quick comments on BLD intro
review of OWL+RDF
review of RIF-FLD, April 10
Review of RIF-FLD, version of April 14, 2008
RIF BLD update
RIF Publications -- snapshots & review deadline
semantics of local constants - followup
semantics of local constants [was: Re: imports + metadata]
the <meta> tag
THE FOURTH REASONING WEB SUMMER SCHOOL (RW 2008): Call for participation
The problem with nested rulesets (aka groups)
w3c publication requirements
where to hang the metadata?
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Christian de Sainte Marie (Monday, 28 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Monday, 28 April)
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Jos de Bruijn (Monday, 28 April)
- Christian de Sainte Marie (Monday, 28 April)
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Christian de Sainte Marie (Monday, 28 April)
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Monday, 28 April)
- Christian de Sainte Marie (Monday, 28 April)
- Michael Kifer (Monday, 28 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Monday, 28 April)
- Boley, Harold (Monday, 28 April)
- Boley, Harold (Thursday, 24 April)
- Jos de Bruijn (Wednesday, 23 April)
- Sandro Hawke (Tuesday, 22 April)
where to hang the metadata? (compromise proposal)
xpath namespace (was Re: DTB status (on today's agenda))
Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2008 18:43:27 UTC