Re: CURIE proposal ...

I think we should have a shortcut mechanism for IRIs in the presentation 
syntax, since they are the most common kind of identifier used in the 
I also think that we only need to have *one* mechanism for that.
We do not need to define a completely new parsable presentation syntax. 
  I also do not think we need to have a general shortcut mechanism in 
the presentation syntax.  For one thing, we don't have much time.

Therefore, I would suggest to adopt the following suggestions by Axel:

> 1) We use UNQUOTED prefix:ncname to denote CURIEs which expand to QUOTED 
> IRIs
 > 4) For symbol space IRIs (i.e. IRIs after the ^^) we only allow eithr
 > the unquoted prefix:ncname writing or the angle bracketted name.

mailto:chris = "http://....#chris"^^rif:iri = 

CURIES should *not* be allowed as the first part of a constant name, 
i.e., my:curie^^rif:iri should not be allowed.

Best, Jos

Jos de Bruijn  
Only two things are infinite, the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the
   -- Albert Einstein

Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2008 08:40:37 UTC