from September 2011 by subject

[Bug 10438] math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role

[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb

[Bug 11124] consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points

[Bug 11204] Defer to DOM Parsing for innerHTML et al

[Bug 11234] Invalidate documents whose text content contains improperly balanced bidi formatting characters

[Bug 11431] should mention that .toDataURL() for image/jpeg acts as if the image was composited against black

[Bug 11891] add role attribute to list of global attributes and add definition for it

[Bug 11892] explicitly state that ARIA states and properties are formal/normative HTML attributes

[Bug 11893] define lexical processing rules for ARIA attributes

[Bug 12059] new normative ref to DOMRANGE

[Bug 12076] <video> Recast WebVTT parser so that it first does line breaking then handles each line, instead of being character-oriented

[Bug 12175] <video> the order of the loadedmetadata, loadeddata and suspend event is not defined

[Bug 12199] Need to test the URL-encoded form data algorithm when the charset is ISO-2022-JP and the value contains multiple characters in the non-default mode

[Bug 12224] Drop rel=pingback. The Pingback spec seems dead and unused, and redundant with the Referer header.

[Bug 12255] option.label and option.value could be consistent

[Bug 12267] <video> Make video state transitions happen in the same task as firing events

[Bug 12289] <video> suspend event "Dispatched when..." is incorrect

[Bug 12390] A sandboxed MIME type attribute would be better than a fully qualified MIME type

[Bug 12399] <video> Expose statistics for media elements

[Bug 12405] <video> There's a problem with overlaying a sign-language video and using native controls, because the overlaid video overlaps the native controls

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12410] fillText needs stricter definitions so that it's 100% uniform

[Bug 12434] Spec doesn't match IE when calling insertAdjacentHTML with position afterend or beforebegin on head or body

[Bug 12444] Canvas rendering should be done in linear color space (gamma 1) and the result displayed in sRGB color space (approximately gamma 2.2)

[Bug 12541] <video> Make seeking change the current playback position before going async, then update it to the clamped value ASAP, then try to buffer

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12556] <video> Define how currentTime is updated in terms of tasks

[Bug 12559] <video> Make paused true at playback end

[Bug 12562] ARIA role example used as a conformance error is not a conformance error in HTML5

[Bug 12576] Need clarification on tokenization of html 5 doc.

[Bug 12584] outerHTML should probably merge with adjacent text nodes if applicable. IE seems to do this to some extent, and WebKit just changed to do it: <> This test shows behavior for outerText and outerHTML: <http://so

[Bug 12586] Suggest using Typed Array for ImageData pixels. Add a new 'buffer' attribute that references ArrayBuffer of the pixel data. Convert 'data' (CanvasPixelArray) to Uint8Array view of 'buffer'.

[Bug 12595] <video> Fire suspend event when/if entire resource is loaded

[Bug 12596] <video> Explicitly state that preload=none fires a suspend event

[Bug 12606] Form submission should convert all line breaks to CR LF pairs in field names and values

[Bug 12608] <video> define exact order and state during the last progress event

[Bug 12612] [registries] make rel value prohibitions in the spec and microformats wiki match

[Bug 12651] More things should set salvageable to false: XHR, plugins

[Bug 12667] Setting doc.title in an SVG document doesn't (necessarily) throw

[Bug 12687] Constructing the form data set - for input type image

[Bug 12693] APIs section is incomplete

[Bug 12705] setTransform spec silent on what to do with singular matrices

[Bug 12707] pushState() / popstate API still not fully updated to match Firefox implementation

[Bug 12781] Allow "maxlength" attribute for number fields

[Bug 12787] 2D canvas createPattern(null, ...) should raise TypeError, not TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR

[Bug 12834] LEGEND should be allowed to NOT be exactly first child of FIELDSET ("The legend element" spec section)

[Bug 12844] Remove the label attribute from subclasses of HTMLElement

[Bug 12858] This doesn't actually define "align descendants". It says which descendants are to be aligned, but not what's supposed to happen to them. Is it like floating, or something else?

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 12881] "is expected to hide it" is a bit vague. Clarify that it means display:none.

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12887] DataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list"): please define that spaces must be trimmed from /result/

[Bug 12896] getElementsByClassName/011.xml relies on unspecified error handling

[Bug 12906] Canvas should not pretend that it can be used to replace some input elements

[Bug 12925] in the 1st example 3 'hr' are used like an anonymous 'h#' => 'hr' should move to 4.4. The final 'hr' is of a different kind and wouldn't be there if we had lists ('dl' here) nested inside 'p'. The second example is mostly like the first three 'hr', i.e. a

[Bug 12929] [MIMESNIFF] needs to point to the draft by the websec working group

[Bug 12942] Time element specification phrasing error (Section 4.6.10)

[Bug 12943] Drop progress.position IDL or make it settable

[Bug 12945] "On setting, if the given element has an id attribute, then the content attribute must be set to the value of that id attribute. Otherwise, the IDL attribute must be set to the empty string." is strange and breaks reflection. If the given element isn't in

[Bug 12949] click() shouldn't have special powers over dispatching click event manually

[Bug 12964] <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 12985] HTML 5 and IPA TTS

[Bug 12986] Last Call comments to HTML5

[Bug 12990] The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 12995] PUB: Need to enable automatic cross-spec references somehow

[Bug 12998] Some attributes are not overridable with 'var' in browsers. See

[Bug 12999] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 13011] [editing] Encourage authors to use "white-space: pre-wrap" for contenteditable="" and .designMode=true

[Bug 13030] it looks to me boolean is the right type for the 4th parameter 'replace' in the open operation as open in HTMLDocument.

[Bug 13034] Consider [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for some reflected attributes

[Bug 13060] Need to define how JPEG-push images are handled

[Bug 13062] HTML spec should not dictate first/last child nesting level and exact order of child siblings

[Bug 13093] define which of Window's named properties are resolved before prototype properties

[Bug 13111] Find working reference for ISO-8859-11

[Bug 13115] Confusing contradiction in description of "alt" attribute

[Bug 13128] Allow wrapping list items in DIV elements

[Bug 13144] designMode needs to persist when an iframe is navigated

[Bug 13174] Allow block elements inside TH, maybe add new THCAPTION element

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13201] Flow content should be allowed in <dt>

[Bug 13203] Drag-and-drop model should clearly state when and whether a drag is canceled, for Mac-like and X-like drag-cancel effects

[Bug 13239] Add support for in-page dialogs

[Bug 13240] Consider replacing <time> with <data>

[Bug 13267] sandboxing implication for plugins should be rephrased

[Bug 13273] Clarify text in media element user interface section

[Bug 13275] Display of media control UI when scripting is disabled

[Bug 13291] it doesn't make sense for <button> to be exposed as a link or radio button; it would just confuse users told to "click the button"

[Bug 13304] It doesn't make sense that <h1> can be exposed as a menu item, link, or tree item

[Bug 13319] Script errors should provide column position

[Bug 13326] Move defaultMuted to HTMLVideoElement

[Bug 13328] Dependencies - DOMException: should reference WebIDL#dfn-throw

[Bug 13330] Link colors are wrong in the rendering section

[Bug 13333] audio, video (and source) elements require param children or equivalent

[Bug 13354] Willful violation of HTTP

[Bug 13357] <track>: Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13357] Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13358] <video> also fire a 'change' event at VideoTrackList, AudioTrackList, and TextTrackList objects when their list of tracks changes

[Bug 13359] A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13378] Spec used to say "When a Document object is created, the document's character encoding must be initialized to UTF-16.", but DOM Core changes that to UTF-8. Should investigate.

[Bug 13385] Remove HTMLInputElement.{width,height} (unimplemented)

[Bug 13390] Readonly attribute on input.{color|range|checkbox|radio}

[Bug 13391] Add a ScrollElementIntoView function

[Bug 13398] i18n-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property

[Bug 13401] Make command.checked behavior consistent with input.checked

[Bug 13403] window.self seems to be [Replaceable] in Gecko,WebKit. This is needed for compatability with some sites.

[Bug 13410] XML serialisation incompletely defined.

[Bug 13423] [editing] Remove the Editing APIs section

[Bug 13424] [editing] Align the definitions of "editable" and "editing host" with the editing spec or move them entirely to the editing spec

[Bug 13425] [editing] Remove the user editing actions section

[Bug 13432] Editorial changes to The Video element (1 of 5)

[Bug 13433] Event handler IDL attributes need [TreatNonCallableAsNull]

[Bug 13435] Editorial changes to The Video element (3 of 5)

[Bug 13438] "Display over the video" is ambiguous as to whether that relates to the y-axis or the z-axis

[Bug 13438] Editorial changes to Track element (1 of 3)

[Bug 13447] SVG content model VENN diagram needs to be made accessible [ Kinds of content/content-venn.svg].

[Bug 13498] document.readyState should return to 'loading' on navigation

[Bug 13502] Text run starting with composing character should be valid

[Bug 13503] <video> If readyState is HAVE_NOTHING, then seeking should just save the new value and that value should be used once we have the duration, as an override of the fragment identifier.

[Bug 13524] relatedTarget shouldn't be null for dragleave event(as mouseout)

[Bug 13534] 2.1.4 DOM Core versus DOM L3 Events reference

[Bug 13541] Incomplete accessibility API exposure rules for svg element

[Bug 13544] Video: <track> element should allow support of more than one format without content sniffing

[Bug 13546] <video> make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13557] a select element should be 'suffering from being missing' if the selected option has value="", not just the 'placeholder label option' (which is limited to the first option in the list). firefox5 flags the select as invalid if an option value="" is select

[Bug 13560] dynamic changes to input type attribute may cause problems for accessibilty APIs

[Bug 13568] use of "accessible" to refer to placement of UI controls is confusing

[Bug 13573] Moving the caret with the keyboard

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13578] Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13592] Intentional that <video></video> (i.e. without src or source) is valid but <audio></audio> is not?

[Bug 13598] Add guidelines about using ins/del in tables

[Bug 13600] Provide XHTML entity definitions in a more convenient way

[Bug 13608] Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13610] [DOM Core] Remove

[Bug 13614] Do not obsolete abbr on TH and TD

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13637] <track> Cue rendering+behavior spec text should generic, not webvtt-derived

[Bug 13637] Cue rendering+behavior spec text should generic, not webvtt-derived

[Bug 13642] Incorrect alt definition

[Bug 13655] Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13661] 4.8.2 Will iframe loading events break existing AT?

[Bug 13662] will the sandbox attribute break script-based AT?

[Bug 13666] Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13667] Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13669] Indicating batch changes to the DOM

[Bug 13684] Event handler attributes should reregister each time they are changed (?)

[Bug 13692] Last call comments on HTML5 from broadcaster's point of view

[Bug 13693] CSS WG HTML5 Last Call Comments

[Bug 13694] appcache and errors

[Bug 13704] Re: The li element (the value attribute) What (other than compatibility with pre-html5 user agents) is the rationale for limiting the value attribute to an integer? The value attribute should be interpreted by user agents as a hint to the user agent about

[Bug 13713] Remove step 7 "Replace any characters in input that have a Unicode code point greater than U+FFFF (i.e. any characters that are not in the basic multilingual plane) with the two-character string "00"." if the algorithm is dealing with UTF-16 code units ("

[Bug 13714] "The initial offer must include": Add RFC4733's "named telephone events" audio codec to the first audio stream or add an audio stream with just that codec if there isn't one already. Add that codec to all audio streams added with addStream(). Add an API t

[Bug 13715] Bad indefinite article in note. Should read "a determinate"

[Bug 13718] specification should not require language-specific quotation styles without defining them

[Bug 13721] don't include colon in examples of scheme names

[Bug 13722] update MAILTO reference

[Bug 13723] updated COOKIES reference

[Bug 13724] References to Internet-Drafts should be given as "Work in Progress" per RFC 2026.

[Bug 13727] regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 13728] on guidance for conformance checkers about text alternatives

[Bug 13729] video poster alt text

[Bug 13730] video poster alt text

[Bug 13739] [editing] sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility

[Bug 13740] "textContent" should be changed to "text"

[Bug 13757] Remove the list of attributes that match their values case-insensitively and use in the Rendering section

[Bug 13769] Whitespace-only values should be considered empty in required form fields

[Bug 13774] Integration point elements need to be added to the list (Consider <table><tr><td><svg><desc><td>).

[Bug 13778] <video> make loop work with reverse playback

[Bug 13780] The variable "default encoding" is never used. Rename to "encoding"?

[Bug 13790] Rename localStreams and remoteStreams to sendStreams and receiveStreams or similar since you may send a stream that is received from one peer to another and then it ends up in localStreams (although it's not local)

[Bug 13793] "The the caption element"

[Bug 13798] Misspelling in the notes added in bug 12915

[Bug 13800] Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 13802] "Append the Unicode character with code point b+0x20 to attribute name" - understanding the intent here relies on a knowledge of the layout of ascii. Please make it explicit what is going on.

[Bug 13810] Typo: "elemenst"

[Bug 13823] status box misplaced (wrong ID?)

[Bug 13825] Suggestion:

[Bug 13845] xrefs (attr-input-size) are wrong

[Bug 13850] Clarify mediagroup author requirements (any text allowed?)

[Bug 13852] Add source and track

[Bug 13870] el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin"/"afterend" broken when el.parentNode is a DocumentFragment

[Bug 13871] <video> behavior when setting currentTime to current playback position

[Bug 13878] spellcheck default state poorly defined

[Bug 13882] Drop "Any type ending in "+xml"". It's not web compatible. There are sites that use application/pls+xml and expects it to open in some media player, and sites that use application/ and expect it to open in Google Earth.

[Bug 13900] Please mention how to handle (or ignore?) non-standard "charset" parameter when decoding a/x-w-f form data

[Bug 13903] leftover text about "sidebar hyperlinks"

[Bug 13904] "web+" URI scheme prefix

[Bug 13920] <section> and <article> don't allow a cite attribute

[Bug 13926] The definition of when a frameset element is special doesn't make sense

[Bug 13943] <track> The "bad cue" handling is stricter than it should be

[Bug 13943] The "bad cue" handling is stricter than it should be

[Bug 13960] I am concerned about the way the Article element is used in examples. Doesn't it make sense that Screen Readers will want to use the article element to skip over the HEADER and NAV elements to the main content. Instead of this: <article><heading>...</hea

[Bug 13965] Exposing onreadystatechange on script elements seems to not be web-compatible unless they fire the event

[Bug 13968] status box has wrong ID

[Bug 13981] <track> Redundant checks for 0-9 when parsing integers

[Bug 13983] It seems like textarea's raw value should always normalize newlines to \n

[Bug 13983] It seems like textarea's raw value should always normalize newlines to \n (and form submission should normalize \n to \r\n)

[Bug 13986] New: RFC 2425/6 have been obsoleted by RFC 6350

[Bug 13987] how to download this book

[Bug 13987] New: how to download this book

[Bug 13988] how to download this book

[Bug 13988] New: how to download this book

[Bug 13991] Need a spec for HashChangeEvent constructor

[Bug 13991] New: Need a spec for HashChangeEvent constructor

[Bug 13992] Need a spec for MessageEvent constructor

[Bug 13992] New: Need a spec for MessageEvent constructor

[Bug 13993] Need a spec for PageTransitionEvent constructor

[Bug 13993] New: Need a spec for PageTransitionEvent constructor

[Bug 13994] Need a spec for PopStateEvent constructor

[Bug 13994] New: Need a spec for PopStateEvent constructor

[Bug 13995] Don't check Content-Type for <track>

[Bug 13995] New: Don't check Content-Type for <track>

[Bug 13999] DOMTokenList (e.g., element.classList): allow to add/remove multiple tokens at once

[Bug 13999] New: DOMTokenList (e.g., element.classList): allow to add/remove multiple tokens at once

[Bug 14000] New: I think that 4.5.10 example should have a title attribut on the <abbr> tag to give the expanded form of the abbreviation, otherwise the <abbr> tag should be left off. how about... <dd><i class="part-of-speech"><abbr title="intransitive verb">v.intr.</abbr

[Bug 14001] New: 1) Please add a radiusY to the path arc command(s) so it is easier to create ellipse shapes and elliptical arcs. It would be very nice if the Canvas path supported a similar API to that for creating SVG paths via JavaScript so shapes could be exchanged

[Bug 14002] Allow DT to be after DD if there is only one DT/DD pair in DL

[Bug 14002] New: Allow DT to be after DD if there is only one DT/DD pair in DL

[Bug 14004] New: The processing model ( dictates an action to be invoked when the accesskey was activated. Doesn't it make more sense (in the context of context menus) to have the

[Bug 14005] Betcha can't play this

[Bug 14005] New: Betcha can't play this

[Bug 14006] New: Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it.

[Bug 14006] Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it.

[Bug 14008] New: This section current says: "The IDL attributes data, type, name, and useMap each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name." But "useMap" should presumably reflect "usemap"--not quite the same name

[Bug 14010] New: colSpan and rowSpan are said to reflect the content attribute of the same name. But the attributes have lowercase names.

[Bug 14011] Allow custom elements

[Bug 14011] New: Allow custom elements

[Bug 14012] i m just testing how this works

[Bug 14012] New: i m just testing how this works

[Bug 14013] "For the purposes of this requirement, ..." : Text nodes in style and script elements must not be counted as well.

[Bug 14013] New: "For the purposes of this requirement, ..." : Text nodes in style and script elements must not be counted as well.

[Bug 14014] area elements in map elements should be handled as if they were embedded content for the purpose of this requirement.

[Bug 14014] New: area elements in map elements should be handled as if they were embedded content for the purpose of this requirement.

[Bug 14015] "html" start tag should be ignored in this insertion mode. The scripting flag should not affect DOM tree outside of the noscript element.

[Bug 14015] New: "html" start tag should be ignored in this insertion mode. The scripting flag should not affect DOM tree outside of the noscript element.

[Bug 14016] New: Please clarify whether <div><ins><style scoped></style>...</ins>...</div> is allowed or not.

[Bug 14016] Please clarify whether <div><ins><style scoped></style>...</ins>...</div> is allowed or not.

[Bug 14018] ma ki chut

[Bug 14018] New: ma ki chut

[Bug 14019] For the purposes of the requirement, form controls should be handled in same way as text nodes.

[Bug 14019] New: For the purposes of the requirement, form controls should be handled in same way as text nodes.

[Bug 14021] Define "represent the same language". Do these language tags represent same languages? en vs EN, zh-min-nan vs nan, zh-TW vs zh-Hant-TW

[Bug 14021] New: Define "represent the same language". Do these language tags represent same languages? en vs EN, zh-min-nan vs nan, zh-TW vs zh-Hant-TW

[Bug 14022] Common microsyntax idiom "to strictly split a string on a particular delimiter character" is incorrectly described.

[Bug 14022] New: Common microsyntax idiom "to strictly split a string on a particular delimiter character" is incorrectly described.

[Bug 14023] Add example of <blockquote> inside <figure> where <figcaption> is used for attribution

[Bug 14023] Could it be appropriate to wrap a blockquote inside a figure? If so then the figcaption could be used as the attribution source?

[Bug 14023] New: Could it be appropriate to wrap a blockquote inside a figure? If so then the figcaption could be used as the attribution source?

[Bug 14024] New: using a class with prefix language- seems non-semantic to me and an abuse of classes. Why not use the data-* attribute? (data-language="")

[Bug 14024] using a class with prefix language- seems non-semantic to me and an abuse of classes. Why not use the data-* attribute? (data-language="")

[Bug 14025] New: True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. - Charles Caleb Colton

[Bug 14025] True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. - Charles Caleb Colton

[Bug 14026] New: Wow, very complex element LOL. Am I to udnerstand that I can use this to mark up things like dingbat fonts, and cesored "words" like $%#! ?

[Bug 14026] Wow, very complex element LOL. Am I to udnerstand that I can use this to mark up things like dingbat fonts, and cesored "words" like $%#! ?

[Bug 14027] New: The text about clearData() does not state what happens if the item list contains more than one entry whose type string matches the format argument. I believe all such entries should be removed.

[Bug 14027] The text about clearData() does not state what happens if the item list contains more than one entry whose type string matches the format argument. I believe all such entries should be removed.

[Bug 14028] New: remove unused "CSS element reference identifier" term

[Bug 14028] remove unused "CSS element reference identifier" term

[Bug 14029] New: normative reference to specification whose author/editor is undisclosed

[Bug 14029] normative reference to specification whose author/editor is undisclosed

[Bug 14030] New: non-well-formed requirement regarding DOMRANGE, DOMPARSING, ...

[Bug 14030] non-well-formed requirement regarding DOMRANGE, DOMPARSING, ...

[Bug 14031] missing reference to HTML Canvas 2D Context

[Bug 14031] New: missing reference to HTML Canvas 2D Context

[Bug 14032] New: Attribute values cannot contain ambiguous ampersands

[Bug 14033] HTML5 table row column resizable

[Bug 14033] New: HTML5 table row column resizable

[Bug 14034] 4.1.1 The html element

[Bug 14034] New: 4.1.1 The html element

[Bug 14036] HTMLInputElement.{width,height} should be unsigned long, similarly to <img>

[Bug 14036] New: HTMLInputElement.{width,height} should be unsigned long, similarly to <img>

[Bug 14037] New: Should XMLDocument be standardized

[Bug 14037] Should XMLDocument be standardized?

[Bug 14038] New: This is a test comment

[Bug 14038] This is a test comment

[Bug 14039] New: The algorithm for finding properties of an item doesn't check for element namespace

[Bug 14039] The algorithm for finding properties of an item doesn't check for element namespace

[Bug 14040] New: translatement or if support for canvas elements has been disabled, the canvas element represents its fallback content instead. When a canvas element represents embedded content, the user can still focus descendants of the canvas element (in the fallback

[Bug 14040] translatement or if support for canvas elements has been disabled, the canvas element represents its fallback content instead. When a canvas element represents embedded content, the user can still focus descendants of the canvas element (in the fallback

[Bug 14041] inconsistent definitions of safe content for scripts.

[Bug 14041] New: inconsistent definitions of safe content for scripts.

[Bug 14042] Editorial: add link to normative validity constraints in

[Bug 14042] New: Editorial: add link to normative validity constraints in

[Bug 14043] New: The classid attribute on the object element is obsolete. Use the data and type attributes to invoke plugins. To set a parameter with the name classid, use the param element. [HTML5]

[Bug 14046] New: document/window.location should be nullable.

[Bug 14047] 4.10.13 The textarea element : Can textarea element have the option to automatically expand the height of the text area when lines of input text exceeds the rows of the text area? Under some circumstance that offers better user experience. Indeed there a

[Bug 14047] New: 4.10.13 The textarea element : Can textarea element have the option to automatically expand the height of the text area when lines of input text exceeds the rows of the text area? Under some circumstance that offers better user experience. Indeed there a

[Bug 14048] New: Suggestion of change in process for "dispatch the event" in Server-Sent Events

[Bug 14048] Suggestion of change in process for "dispatch the event" in Server-Sent Events

[Bug 14049] New: Can you avoid the awkward situation of different defaults (content vs idl) for the size attribute by simply moving the 1 or 4 part to the paragraph about display size and not saying anything about the default value of the size content attribute? That wou

[Bug 14056] New: Please change Security with canvas elements to respect CORS

[Bug 14056] Please change Security with canvas elements to respect CORS

[Bug 14058] Apparently some people are reading this to mean that it's wrong to refer to section elements in CSS selectors: — please clarify to make it obvious that the discouragemen

[Bug 14058] New: Apparently some people are reading this to mean that it's wrong to refer to section elements in CSS selectors: — please clarify to make it obvious that the discouragemen

[Bug 14070] Is it possible to define "form controls" here? You've got the Categories section earlier in 4.10, but that doesn't define the term either. If there is not a single set of elements to which the following subsections apply, could you note that and just sa

[Bug 14070] New: Is it possible to define "form controls" here? You've got the Categories section earlier in 4.10, but that doesn't define the term either. If there is not a single set of elements to which the following subsections apply, could you note that and just sa

[Bug 14073] New: Define role of @title in <a title="Expansion"><abbr>abbrevitation</abbr></a>

[Bug 14074] Line 11, Column 54: Using the meta element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead. <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="En-GB" />

[Bug 14074] New: Line 11, Column 54: Using the meta element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead. <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="En-GB" />

[Bug 14076] misspelled contents, should be "Stops sending" instead of "Steps sending"

[Bug 14076] New: misspelled contents, should be "Stops sending" instead of "Steps sending"

[Bug 14077] New: Please select a section by clicking on it, and then submit the comment again.

[Bug 14077] Please select a section by clicking on it, and then submit the comment again.

[Bug 14079] New: WindowProxy open(optional DOMString url, optional DOMString target, optional DOMString features, optional DOMString replace); -- shouldn't the replace argument be boolean?

[Bug 14079] WindowProxy open(optional DOMString url, optional DOMString target, optional DOMString features, optional DOMString replace); -- shouldn't the replace argument be boolean?

[Bug 14080] New: status box is misplaced (wrong ID?)

[Bug 14080] status box is misplaced (wrong ID?)

[Bug 14081] New: What needs to be done so that modifications will be reflected whithout restarting the server and restarting IIS modifying web.config in HTML5

[Bug 14081] What needs to be done so that modifications will be reflected whithout restarting the server and restarting IIS modifying web.config in HTML5

[Bug 14082] New: What needs to be done so that modifications will be reflected whithout restarting the server and restarting IIS modifying web.config in HTML5

[Bug 14082] What needs to be done so that modifications will be reflected whithout restarting the server and restarting IIS modifying web.config in HTML5

[Bug 14085] <track> WebVTT tokenizer does not consume U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>)

[Bug 14085] New: WebVTT tokenizer does not consume U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (<)

[Bug 14085] WebVTT tokenizer does not consume U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>)

[Bug 14087] New: Return sections of HTML5 that were removed outside of the W3C

[Bug 14087] Return sections of HTML5 that were removed outside of the W3C

[Bug 14088] chapters example is invalid (.00 should be .000)

[Bug 14088] New: chapters example is invalid (.00 should be .000)

[Bug 14089] Caller on form doesn't appear to be supported in Opera/Mozilla/WebKit. Maybe it should be dropped. (Getter is supported though.)

[Bug 14089] New: Caller on form doesn't appear to be supported in Opera/Mozilla/WebKit. Maybe it should be dropped. (Getter is supported though.)

[Bug 14090] HTMLPreElement width attribute (obsolete) should be a long instead of an unsigned long

[Bug 14090] New: HTMLPreElement width attribute (obsolete) should be a long instead of an unsigned long

[Bug 14091] New: There appear to be no dash or dotted line styles available. Please add a dash array options to the context. Something like: context.dashArray [ = value ] where value would be a list like this "4 2" where the first defines the dash length and the secon

[Bug 14092] New: I don't think the phrase "bubbling event listeners" has any real meaning. Would't non-capturing event listener be better here? Handlers can be invoked during the bubbling or at_target phases, right?

[Bug 14095] ie 6 problem

[Bug 14095] New: ie 6 problem

[Bug 14100] <track> typo: Neil DeGrasse Tyson

[Bug 14100] New: typo: Neil DeGrasse Tyson

[Bug 14100] typo: Neil DeGrasse Tyson

[Bug 14101] New: I think it would be usefull to add a new event to the details element which would fire when it is opened or closed.

[Bug 14102] <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

[Bug 14102] New: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

[Bug 14103] <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

[Bug 14103] New: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

[Bug 14104] New: Video: Streaming text support in track element

[Bug 14104] Video: Streaming text support in <track> element

[Bug 14104] Video: Streaming text support in track element

[Bug 14105] <track> Drop MutableTextTrack and make TextTrack always mutable

[Bug 14105] Drop MutableTextTrack and make TextTrack always mutable

[Bug 14105] New: Drop MutableTextTrack and make TextTrack always mutable

[Bug 14106] <track> Chapter tree construction algorithm requires source order; is broken using sorted cue order

[Bug 14106] Chapter tree construction algorithm assumed source order; is broken using sorted cue order

[Bug 14106] Chapter tree construction algorithm requires source order; is broken using sorted cue order

[Bug 14106] New: Construct chapter from from sorted cue order (drop source order depencies)

[Bug 14107] New: Non-conformance of the summary attribute for the table element makes WCAG 1.0 compliance impossible

[Bug 14107] Non-conformance of the summary attribute for the table element makes WCAG 1.0 compliance impossible

[Bug 14109] New: Stop and start media buffering

[Bug 14109] Stop and start media buffering

[Bug 14110] <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://cr

[Bug 14110] New: <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://cr

[Bug 14111] New: XHTML5 without DTD _and_ without Schema? This is crazy! This is an utterly unacceptable break with W3C traditions! I was so glad that I could use Schema validation on XHTML 1.1 to make sure that neither I nor one of the tools does something wrong, and you

[Bug 14111] XHTML5 without DTD _and_ without Schema? This is crazy! This is an utterly unacceptable break with W3C traditions! I was so glad that I could use Schema validation on XHTML 1.1 to make sure that neither I nor one of the tools does something wrong, and you

[Bug 14112] New: meta should allow additional meta -tags only as optional content to support reporting of structured metadata.

[Bug 14114] HTML+RDFa should extend flow content to include link and meta elements

[Bug 14114] New: HTML+RDFa should extend flow content to include link and meta elements

[Bug 14115] New: WebSocket API should allow sending WS Ping frames from client to server

[Bug 14115] WebSocket API should allow sending WS Ping frames from client to server

[Bug 14117] New: a better example that "x-example"

[Bug 14118] 0.1vh sans-serif is 1/1000 of the video height.

[Bug 14118] <track> 0.1vh sans-serif is 1/1000 of the video height.

[Bug 14118] New: 0.1vh sans-serif is 1/1000 of the video height.

[Bug 14121] @charset "utf-8"; /* reset */ body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{padding:0;margin:0; font-family:'宋体';} body {font:12px/1.5 Tahoma,Helvetica,simsun,sans-serif;color:#666;word-wrap:break-wor

[Bug 14121] New: @charset "utf-8"; /* reset */ body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{padding:0;margin:0; font-family:'宋体';} body {font:12px/1.5 Tahoma,Helvetica,simsun,sans-serif;color:#666;word-wrap:break-wor

[Bug 14122] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14122] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14123] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14123] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14124] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14124] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14125] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14125] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14126] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14126] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14127] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14127] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14128] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14128] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14129] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14129] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14130] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14130] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14131] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14131] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14132] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14132] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14133] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14133] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14134] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14134] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14135] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14135] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14136] lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14136] New: lts in an error, then throw a

[Bug 14143] New: Selectors Level 3 - E:javascript AND E:not(:javascript)

[Bug 14143] Selectors Level 3 - E:javascript AND E:not(:javascript)

[Bug 14145] Could we define the id attribute so as to allow multiple unique ids to point to the same DOM element, by separating the names given in the value by spaces?

[Bug 14145] New: Could we define the id attribute so as to allow multiple unique ids to point to the same DOM element, by separating the names given in the value by spaces?

[Bug 14145] Spaces in id attributes [was Could we define the id attribute so as to allow multiple unique ids to point to the same DOM element, by separating the names given in the value by spaces?]

[Bug 14146] full form of whatw

[Bug 14146] New: full form of whatw

[Bug 14147] full form of whatwg

[Bug 14147] New: full form of whatwg

[Bug 14149] I would like continued support in browsers for windows 98, 95, ME even if possible. Thanks

[Bug 14149] New: I would like continued support in browsers for windows 98, 95, ME even if possible. Thanks

[Bug 14150] I am a photographer as well as a hand-coding web designer. One thing that frustrates me is the duplicity between alt="" and title="" for photographs and photographers. For instance: <img class="thumbnail" alt="David Kyles" title="David Kyles Shock and Awe

[Bug 14150] New: I am a photographer as well as a hand-coding web designer. One thing that frustrates me is the duplicity between alt="" and title="" for photographs and photographers. For instance: <img class="thumbnail" alt="David Kyles" title="David Kyles Shock and Awe

[Bug 14151] dangling references to {inner,outer}HTML attributes

[Bug 14151] New: dangling references to {inner,outer}HTML attributes

[Bug 14153] New: This defeats the entire purpose of separating style and content. Style scoping works quite well using the CSS cascade

[Bug 14153] This defeats the entire purpose of separating style and content. Style scoping works quite well using the CSS cascade

[Bug 14154] New: No no no no NO! Don't put style in the mark-up! Get rid of this *stupid* scoped idea before it haunts us all!

[Bug 14154] No no no no NO! Don't put style in the mark-up! Get rid of this *stupid* scoped idea before it haunts us all!

[Bug 14155] New: Drop the conformance requirement banning xml:base in HTML. If authors want to use xml:base with script in an "HTML document", there's no reason why should stop them. (It can be useful to implement new URL(url, baseurl) polyfill, for instance)

[Bug 14156] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14156] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14157] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14157] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14158] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14158] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14159] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14159] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14160] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14160] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14161] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14161] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14162] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14162] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14163] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14163] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14164] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14164] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14165] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14165] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14166] jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14166] New: jmjdv djad skfkjj hddbbdbjdbdbd nnkka#hjd@#nb!~~~!#~!~!@#$%

[Bug 14169] New: setCustomValidity should have [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for compat with opera/webkit/moz

[Bug 14169] setCustomValidity should have [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for compat with opera/webkit/moz

[Bug 14170] atob and btoa should have [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for compat with opera/webkit/moz

[Bug 14170] New: atob and btoa should have [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for compat with opera/webkit/moz

[Bug 14174] New: if body can't be parsed then window.onerror should be invoked

[Bug 14175] New: should allow deferring these steps until the event handler would be invoked (observable with window.onerror)

[Bug 14176] If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0)

[Bug 14176] New: If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0)

[Bug 14177] If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0)

[Bug 14177] New: If the script is not same-origin, window.onerror should be invoked with arguments ("Script error.", "", 0)

[Bug 14178] <track> WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV)

[Bug 14178] New: WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV)

[Bug 14178] WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV)

[Bug 14179] New: WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV)

[Bug 14179] WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV)

[Bug 14181] New: to do it plzease

[Bug 14181] to do it plzease

[Bug 14182] New: For setTimeout("{", 10) we think window.onerror's second argument should be ""

[Bug 14182] setTimeout("{", 10) and window.onerror

[Bug 14186] New: Proposed additional information for <video> Error events

[Bug 14186] Proposed additional information for <video> Error events

[Bug 14187] New: Typo ‘chlidren’, change to ‘children’

[Bug 14187] Typo "chlidren", change to "children"

[Bug 14189] attribute HTMLElement? body;

[Bug 14189] New: attribute HTMLElement? body;

[Bug 14190] attribute HTMLElement? body;

[Bug 14190] New: attribute HTMLElement? body;

[Bug 14191] Make the canvas tests use testharness.js

[Bug 14191] New: Make the canvas tests use testharness.js

[Bug 14192] New: "The following term is defined in the Cookie specification" should be: "The following terms are defined in the Cookie specification"

[Bug 14193] New: Problem: isolating sections of a page and identifying them as being "about" the theme of the page. I know we have meta description, keywords...title... but we don't have a tag that can be used multiple times within a page to establish what that page is a

[Bug 14194] New: Request: specification for script preloading

[Bug 14194] Request: specification for script preloading

[Bug 14195] New: Script and stylesheet elements need clearly defined rules for `load` and `error`

[Bug 14195] Script and stylesheet elements need clearly defined rules for `load` and `error`

[Bug 14196] New: External interface violates member naming conventions

[Bug 14198] List items with non-numerical values (4 a., 4 b.)

[Bug 14198] New: List items with non-numerical values (4 a., 4 b.)

[Bug 14202] New: Add 'update' boolean attribute to TIME element

[Bug 14203] JavaScript API to access unsupported CSS properties

[Bug 14203] New: JavaScript API to access unsupported CSS properties

[Bug 14204] CDATASection support missing from [DOMCORE] (DOM4)

[Bug 14204] New: CDATASection support missing from [DOMCORE] (DOM4)

[Bug 14206] New: missing dependency for CharacterData interface from [DOMCORE]

[Bug 14208] New: missing dependency for DOMStringList interface from [DOMCORE]

[Bug 14209] New: What are web evelutions?

[Bug 14210] New: Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14210] Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14211] New: Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14211] Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14212] New: LinkStyle usage means mandatory dependency on CSSOM types

[Bug 14213] missing transitive dependencies - NodeIterator, Range, TreeWalker

[Bug 14213] New: missing transitive dependencies - NodeIterator, Range, TreeWalker

[Bug 14215] New: Why is it invalid to have an empty action attribute, and can't an empty value not just have the same meaning as a missing action attribute (i.e. submit to current page)

[Bug 14215] Why is it invalid to have an empty action attribute, and can't an empty value not just have the same meaning as a missing action attribute (i.e. submit to current page)

[Bug 14219] <track> Replace "becomes relevant" and "stops being relevant" with "starts" and "ends". Chapter cues for instance are relevant when the user wishes to navigate, not between the start and end times.

[Bug 14219] New: Replace "becomes relevant" and "stops being relevant" with "starts" and "ends". Chapter cues for instance are relevant when the user wishes to navigate, not between the start and end times.

[Bug 14219] Replace "becomes relevant" and "stops being relevant" with "starts" and "ends". Chapter cues for instance are relevant when the user wishes to navigate, not between the start and end times.

[Bug 14221] New: We're already using style tags in the body, I'm really looking forward to this being valid code :)

[Bug 14221] We're already using style tags in the body, I'm really looking forward to this being valid code :)

[Bug 14222] "render the text field with a useful width" doesn't describe the behavior of maxlength

[Bug 14222] New: In "Authors should not specify the maxlength attribute on input elements whose type attribute is in the Number state.", shouldn't this be the "size" attribute? Note that doesn't raise warnings (but instead errors) for either case.

[Bug 14223] meow meow meow

[Bug 14223] New: meow meow meow

[Bug 14224] New: step 4, "the origin being the origin" - first origin should not be xreffed

[Bug 14224] step 4, "the origin being the origin" - first origin should not be xreffed

[Bug 14225] infobox should say textTrack . mode [ = value ]

[Bug 14225] New: infobox should say textTrack . mode [ = value ]

[Bug 14226] .yu u jy

[Bug 14226] New: .yu u jy

[Bug 14228] New: Малдер и Скалли женятся

[Bug 14228] Малдер и Скалли женятся

[Bug 14229] New: Малдер и Скалли женятся

[Bug 14229] Малдер и Скалли женятся

[Bug 14230] My feedback is regarding radial-gradients. It's absolutely entirely INSANE to not allow the developer to specify a specific height and width for the circle for a radial gradient. The circle is entirely dependant on the width and height of the element it's

[Bug 14230] New: My feedback is regarding radial-gradients. It's absolutely entirely INSANE to not allow the developer to specify a specific height and width for the circle for a radial gradient. The circle is entirely dependant on the width and height of the element it's

[Bug 14233] Allow items to have multiple types if they share the same vocabulary.

[Bug 14233] New: Allow items to have multiple types if they share the same vocabulary.

[Bug 14234] New: Rules for parsing non-negative integers should re-use rules for parsing signed integers and add a >= 0 check

[Bug 14235] New: >10 Rendering >10.5 Bindings >10.5.15 textarea element >If the element has a rows attribute, ... >Otherwise, the user agent is expected to act as if it had a user-agent-level style sheet rule setting the 'height' property on the element to the textarea ef

[Bug 14238] <track> First argument of addTextTrack should be omissible, defaulting to subtitles

[Bug 14238] New: First argument of addTextTrack should be omissible, defaulting to subtitles

[Bug 14240] New: Update canvas tests that refer to CanvasPixelArray

[Bug 14241] <track> Merge HTMLTrackElement and TextTrack into one interface

[Bug 14241] <track> Remove onerror and onload from TextTrack

[Bug 14241] New: <track> Merge HTMLTrackElement and TextTrack into one interface

[Bug 14242] New: Add Uint8ClampedArray to the Dependencies section.

[Bug 14243] New: Wir sind hier

[Bug 14243] Wir sind hier

[Bug 14244] New: Wir sind hier

[Bug 14244] Wir sind hier

[Bug 14246] 2d.text.font.parse.complex expects font family in double-quotes

[Bug 14246] New: 2d.text.font.parse.complex expects font family in double-quotes

[Bug 14255] <track> TextTrack constant OFF not consistent with mode description

[Bug 14255] New: Text Track constant OFF not consistent with mode description

[Bug 14256] It's a blog with full of latest and spectecular informations - This blog has helped me to gain much more information I would like to appreciate the blog owner for his efforts

[Bug 14256] New: It's a blog with full of latest and spectecular informations - This blog has helped me to gain much more information I would like to appreciate the blog owner for his efforts

[Bug 14257] IDL interface: shouln't it say "HTMLTableColgroupElement" ?

[Bug 14257] New: IDL interface: shouln't it say "HTMLTableColgroupElement" ?

[Bug 14258] New: HTML4.01 says that presence of <col> child elements overrides value of span attribute. Your content model doesn't take this priority into account.

[Bug 14259] <track> Drop Timestamp Objects on the floor instead of exposing as PIs

[Bug 14259] New: Drop Timestamp Objects on the floor instead of exposing as PIs

[Bug 14260] <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState

[Bug 14260] New: <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState

[Bug 14261] I'M A PORC

[Bug 14261] New: I'M A PORC

[Bug 14262] New: YOU'RE A PORC

[Bug 14262] YOU'RE A PORC

[Bug 14263] <track> Don't use <q> for voice object

[Bug 14263] New: <track> Don't use <q> for voice object

[Bug 14275] New: This non-normative box is not very clean. After all, using DOM methods or innerHTML also could make DOM not correspond source code of document (heck, older versions of IE did some transformations). Also, as long you won't use async or defer I cannot think

[Bug 14276] New: For editorial consistency, mark this section and the next "This section is non-normative."

[Bug 14277] New: What does treating acronym identically with abbr means? Does it mean that if I will apply CSS style for abbr it should be also applied for acronym?

[Bug 14281] i don't know what i'm doing

[Bug 14281] New: i don't know what i'm doing

[Bug 14282] New: Missing value "auto" in the row for 'dir'

[Bug 14283] New: Allow <button> to be nested inside <a> tags, just like html4. Otherwise, <button type="button"> is totally useless with javascript disabled.

[Bug 14284] Need HTML parser algorithm options

[Bug 14284] New: Need HTML parser algorithm options

[Bug 14285] I need help to understand how to read a (Copy of ETFs_Designated_For_Extended_Trading.xls) I do not no a thing nor do i understand a thing it is trying to show me!! For example, What the heck is this, <html xmlns:o="urn;schemas-microsoft-com:office:offi

[Bug 14285] New: I need help to understand how to read a (Copy of ETFs_Designated_For_Extended_Trading.xls) I do not no a thing nor do i understand a thing it is trying to show me!! For example, What the heck is this, <html xmlns:o="urn;schemas-microsoft-com:office:offi

[Bug 14286] erreur 500 2011 0922 0749 202245-sl NQ7Yq

[Bug 14286] New: erreur 500 2011 0922 0749 202245-sl NQ7Yq

[Bug 14287] New: <track> Should be clearer about which strings cue.direction returns

[Bug 14289] <track> should be clearer about which strings cue.alignment returns

[Bug 14289] New: <track> should be clearer about which strings cue.alignment returns

[Bug 14290] i don't understand please help me about (META)

[Bug 14290] New: i don't understand please help me about (META)

[Bug 14291] <track> example: brave.en.vtt for both subtitles and captions?

[Bug 14291] New: <track> example: brave.en.vtt for both subtitles and captions?

[Bug 14292] my penor is huge

[Bug 14292] New: my penor is huge

[Bug 14293] <track> "sound" vs "soundtrack"

[Bug 14293] New: <track> "sound" vs "soundtrack"

[Bug 14294] New: <track> Should say that the parser can return with an error state or "not processed successfully" state, so that 'error' fires instead of 'load' on <track> if the webvtt signature is wrong

[Bug 14298] New: <track> webvtt parser step 31 "If line is the empty string, then discard cue and jump to the step labeled end." is redundant with step 34.

[Bug 14299] Chrome The concept of base URL change steps and the definition of what happens when an element is affected by a base URL change.

[Bug 14299] New: Chrome The concept of base URL change steps and the definition of what happens when an element is affected by a base URL change.

[Bug 14300] If you cannot do this then you can also e-mail feedback to (subscribe, archives), and arrangements will be made to transpose the comments to our public bug database. Alternatively, you can e-mail feedback to (

[Bug 14300] New: If you cannot do this then you can also e-mail feedback to (subscribe, archives), and arrangements will be made to transpose the comments to our public bug database. Alternatively, you can e-mail feedback to (

[Bug 14301] color assigned. If the value cannot be parsed a

[Bug 14301] New: color assigned. If the value cannot be parsed a

[Bug 14302] New: This should be "A string is a valid non-empty URL if it is a valid URL and it is not the empty string."

[Bug 14303] New: "Web developer edition" is missing the ":"

[Bug 14304] LScriptElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute boolean async; attribute boolean defer; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString charset; attribute DOMString text; };

[Bug 14304] New: LScriptElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute boolean async; attribute boolean defer; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString charset; attribute DOMString text; };

[Bug 14305] interface CanvasGradient { // opaque object void addColorStop(double offset, DOMString color); }; interface CanvasPattern { // opaque object }; interface TextMetrics { readonly attribute double width; }; interface ImageData { readonly attribu

[Bug 14305] New: interface CanvasGradient { // opaque object void addColorStop(double offset, DOMString color); }; interface CanvasPattern { // opaque object }; interface TextMetrics { readonly attribute double width; }; interface ImageData { readonly attribu

[Bug 14307] interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString accept; attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString autocomplete; attribute boolean autofocus; attribute boolean defaultChecked;

[Bug 14307] New: interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString accept; attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString autocomplete; attribute boolean autofocus; attribute boolean defaultChecked;

[Bug 14309] <track> Constructor for 'TextTrackCue' is not defined

[Bug 14309] New: Constructor for 'TextTrackCue' is not defined

[Bug 14310] Make responseheaders visible on <video> and <audio> element

[Bug 14310] New: Make responseheaders visible on <video> and <audio> element

[Bug 14311] interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 14311] New: interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 14312] interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 14312] New: interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr

[Bug 14313] interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 14313] New: interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 14314] interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 14314] New: interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 14315] interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 14315] New: interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a

[Bug 14316] interface HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute boolean async; attribute boolean defer; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString charset; attribute DOMSt

[Bug 14316] New: interface HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute boolean async; attribute boolean defer; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString charset; attribute DOMSt

[Bug 14317] New: Typo: input elemenst

[Bug 14317] Typo: input elemenst

[Bug 14319] New: Title is 'HTML5 diffs from HTML4', but doc points to 'HTML Living Standard'

[Bug 14321] <marquee bgcolor="yellow"> <a href="file:///Volumes/mlkoles/www/Draft%202.html">Click here to return to the recipe!</a> </marquee>

[Bug 14321] New: <marquee bgcolor="yellow"> <a href="file:///Volumes/mlkoles/www/Draft%202.html">Click here to return to the recipe!</a> </marquee>

[Bug 14324] 2011

[Bug 14324] New: 2011

[Bug 14326] New: 2d.imageData.object.round should be updated

[Bug 14327] New: Which extention not support Adobe premere

[Bug 14333] how to support visual studio 2010

[Bug 14333] New: how to support visual studio 2010

[Bug 14334] how to use html5

[Bug 14334] New: how to use html5

[Bug 14335] how to use html5

[Bug 14335] New: how to use html5

[Bug 14336] buttfuck, i mean seriously buttfuck

[Bug 14336] New: buttfuck, i mean seriously buttfuck

[Bug 14337] Drag-and-drop / undo manager interaction

[Bug 14337] New: Drag-and-drop / undo manager interaction

[Bug 14338] <track> What does line position auto actually do?

[Bug 14338] New: <track> What does line position auto actually do?

[Bug 14339] New: listic: on platforms where search fields are distinguished from regular text fields, the Search state might result in an appearance consistent with the platform's search fields rather than appearing like a regular text field. If the element is mutable, i

[Bug 14343] New: <track> should require a space before the annotation

[Bug 14344] New: <track> the "allows an annotation" case doesn't seem to be supported

[Bug 14345] how to make this

[Bug 14345] New: how to make this

[Bug 14346] New: This section assumes that a single character token is returned from the consume a character reference algorithm. But it now can return two characters instead of one, and that needs to be reflected here. Also in the two other places that the algorithm is

[Bug 14348] body { background: url('') center right #fff repeat fixed !important; } ol#posts .post.new_post .new_post_label { display:none !important; } #logo {height: 0 !important; width: 0 !import

[Bug 14348] New: body { background: url('') center right #fff repeat fixed !important; } ol#posts .post.new_post .new_post_label { display:none !important; } #logo {height: 0 !important; width: 0 !import

[Bug 14349] New: { ol#posts { background: #ffffff url('') center center no-repeat;} img[src*=""]{ width:0; height:100px; padding-righ

[Bug 14349] { ol#posts { background: #ffffff url('') center center no-repeat;} img[src*=""]{ width:0; height:100px; padding-righ

[Bug 8171] Implement the text alternatives proposal from WAI

[Bug 8645] Alt text for images

[Bug 9961] View Source: Please base the markup of the polyglot spec on the polyglot spec

Last message date: Friday, 30 September 2011 23:58:12 UTC