from June 2020 by thread

the cognitive model of making origamis Paola Di Maio (Tuesday, 30 June)

class/subclass and the dominance of object-oriented programming Amirouche Boubekki (Monday, 29 June)

Applications of AI KR future drafts Amirouche Boubekki (Monday, 29 June)

they are fooling everybody Paola Di Maio (Monday, 29 June)

Re: Tuple Store, Artificial Science, Cognitive Science and RDF (Re: What is a Knowledge Graph? CORRECTION) Paola Di Maio (Sunday, 28 June)

Re: knowledge representation and schizophrenia Paola Di Maio (Sunday, 28 June)

cogatlas Paola Di Maio (Sunday, 28 June)

beyond p-values/estimation Paola Di Maio (Sunday, 28 June)

short talk Paola Di Maio (Saturday, 27 June)

Re: [ontolog-forum] Re: symbolic equation? Paola Di Maio (Saturday, 27 June)

symbolic equation? Paola Di Maio (Friday, 26 June)

Fwd: Your digital copy of AI Magazine/kr at Darpa Paola Di Maio (Friday, 26 June)

AI Talent Owen Ambur (Thursday, 25 June)

EC AI White Paper Owen Ambur (Monday, 22 June)

GPAI & OECD Owen Ambur (Thursday, 18 June)

Can AI be trusthworthy ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program (Tuesday, 16 June)

ABOUT ML & Verification of AI Claims Owen Ambur (Monday, 15 June)

AI works best when humans are there to hold its hand. carl mattocks (Monday, 15 June)

Bias in ML Paola Di Maio (Saturday, 13 June)

AI KR Role 2. identify and prevent Bias Paola Di Maio (Friday, 12 June)

Role of the AI KR Strategist Role Ontology/bioportal Paola Di Maio (Friday, 12 June)

Collaboration: IDNI (Intelligent Decentralized Networks Initiatives) Kilian Kunst <> Kilian Kunst (Wednesday, 10 June)

Exercise. I as an intellectual pursuit, difference between AI and the KR Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 11 June)

essential reading list? Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 11 June)

Re: ai strategist role Paola Di Maio (Wednesday, 10 June)

AI Strategists, Data Scientists & OASIS BCM Owen Ambur (Tuesday, 9 June)

categories in the brain Paola Di Maio (Tuesday, 9 June)

Re: Knowledge representation and Disease Control frameworks using AI, KRIDs carl mattocks (Wednesday, 3 June)

Updated invitation: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR purposes @ Every 2 weeks from 9am to 10am on Tuesday from Tue Jun 9 to Tue Sep 8 (EDT) ( (Monday, 1 June)

Updated invitation: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR purposes @ Every 2 weeks from 9am to 10am on Tuesday from Tue Apr 14 to Mon May 25 (EDT) ( (Monday, 1 June)

Policy Priority Inference, SDGs, Turing Institute, GPRAMA & StratML Owen Ambur (Monday, 1 June)

Re: Software documentation conventions/open standard (note work to be done) Sebastian Samaruga (Monday, 1 June)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 2020 23:43:36 UTC