Re: Exercise. I as an intellectual pursuit, difference between AI and the KR

Yes, I understand the difference between AI and KR.

But the question is, is there a defined role for an AI KR Strategist which
is distinct from the role of an AI Strategist? Could you imagine an
organisation employing two different people with those two different roles?
If so, then we could define each in StratML.

At rhe moment it feels like what we are defining is a role for an AI
Strategist, and then simply mislabelling it as an AI KR Strategist.

On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 at 03:10, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

> The AI system function and capability is the AI software (model or
> implementation or both)  (how)
> The KR consists of the knowledge required for the AI system to be
> developed. (what)
> The KR, once completed, does not change- The AI system can be implemented
> in many ways, using different programs and algos and languages
> Chris, Owen, does this explain the difference?
> For those who may have not developed AI systems before, here is  an
> exercise,
> (ha ha, I may start giving assignments to the list ?)
>  consider an AI needs to be devised for a PET  (Patient Evaluation Toolkit)
> Challenge:  model the dynamics of complex interventions which potentially
> take on a different form each time they are delivered
> Here is the description of the system
> Task:  develop an outline of a system, and develop the KR for the system
> using any approach/convention/method you like

Chris Fox
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Received on Thursday, 11 June 2020 08:52:54 UTC