Applications of AI KR future drafts

Toward understanding better the goal of the group, I am trying to
understand what would be the applications that one could build upon
AIKR future drafts.

It is still not clear to me what a specification regarding Knowledge
Representation could look like.

The simple goal that I read often about AI is something along those lines:

> Make computers do what humans do


> Enable human level of cognition in computers

The first thing those goals fail to recognize is that machines are
already better than humans regarding some tasks. More generally, I
think it is easier to think in terms of Intelligence Augmentation:

  How the machine can help humans perform better at intellectual tasks?

Hence, the question:

  What area of human endeavor can still be improved using computers?

I fail to think outside-the-box, so I will fall back to my own needs:

  I need computers to help me acquire new knowledge.

That is, I want the computer to help me learn new things. Simply, I
want a computer-teacher.


1) What intellectual task do you think computers should help you with?

2) What will be applications of AI KR specifications?

Received on Monday, 29 June 2020 18:41:50 UTC