Can AI be trusthworthy

An excerpt from the EU EDRI watchdog organizations.

fortnightly newsletter about digital civil rights in Europe

EDRi-gram 18.11, 10 June 2020
Read online:


1. Can the EU make AI “trustworthy”? No – but they can make it just
2. COVID-Tech: the sinister consequences of immunity passports
3. UK: Stop social media monitoring by local authorities
4. Cryptocurrency scammers flood Facebook users with manipulative ads
5. SHARE’s campaign bears fruit: Google appoints Serbian representatives
6. Recommended Action
7. Recommended Reading
8. Agenda
9. About

1. Can the EU make AI “trustworthy”? No – but they can make it just

Today, 4 June 2020, European Digital Rights (EDRi) submitted its answer
to the European Commission’s consultation on the AI White Paper. On top
of our response, in our additional paper we outline recommendations to
the European Commission for a fundamental rights- based AI regulation.
You can find our consultation response, recommendations paper, and
answering guide for the public here.

How to ensure a “trustworthy AI” has been highly debated since the
European Commission launched its White Paper on AI in February this
year. Policymakers and industry have hosted numerous conversations about
“innovation”, “Europe becoming a leader in AI”, and promoting a “Fair

Yet, a “fair” or “trustworthy” artificial intelligence seems a far way
off. As governments, institutions and industry swiftly move to
incorporate AI into their systems and decision-making processes - grave
concerns remain as to how these changes will impact people, democracy
and society as a whole.

EDRi’s response outlines the main risks AI poses for people, communities
and society, and outlines  recommendations for an improved, truly
‘human-centric’ legislative proposal on AI. We argue that the EU must
reinforce the protections already embedded in the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), outline clear legal limits for AI by
focusing on impermissible use, and foreground principles of collective
impact, democratic oversight, accountability, and fundamental rights.
Here’s a summary of our main points.

Put people before industrial policy

A ‘human centric’ approach to AI requires that considerations of safety,
equality, privacy, and fundamental rights are the primary factors
underpinning decisions as to whether to promote or invest in AI.

However, the European Commission’s White Paper proposal takes as a point
of a departure the inherent economic benefits of promoting AI,
particularly in the public sector. Promoting AI in the public sector as
a whole, without requiring scientific evidence to justify the need or
the purpose of such applications in some potentially harmful situations,
is likely to have the most direct consequences on everyday peoples’
lives, particularly on marginalised groups.

Despite wide ranging applications that could advance our societies (such
as some uses in the field of health), we have also seen the vast
negative impacts of automated systems at play at the border, in
predictive policing systems which exacerbate overpolicing of racialised
communities, in ‘fraud detection’ systems which target poor, working
class and migrant areas, and countless more examples. All such examples
highlight the potentially devastating consequences AI systems can have
in the public sector, contesting the case for ‘promoting the uptake of
AI.’ These examples highlight the need for AI regulation to be rooted in
a human-centric approach.

"The development of artificial intelligence technology offers huge
potential opportunities for improving our economies and societies, but
also extreme risks. Poorly-designed and governed AI will exacerbate
power imbalances and inequality, increase discrimination, invade privacy
and undermine a whole host of other rights. EU legislation must ensure
that cannot happen. Nobody's rights should be sacrificed on the altar of
innovation." said Chris Jones, Statewatch.

Address collective harms of AI

The vast potential scale and impact AI systems challenges existing
conceptions of harm. Whilst in many ways we can view the challenges
posed by AI as fundamental rights issues, often the harms perpetrated
are much broader, disadvantaging communities, economy, democracy and
entire societies. From the impending threat of mass surveillance as a a
result of biometric processing in publicly-accessible spaces, to the use
of automated systems or ‘upload filters’ to moderate content on social
media, to severe disruptions to the democratic process, we see the
impact goes far beyond the level of the individual. One specificity of
regulating AI is the need to address societal-level harms.

Prevent harms by focusing on impermissible use

Just as the problems with AI are collective and structural, so must be
the solutions. The European Commission’s White Paper outlines some
safeguards to address ‘high-risk’ AI, such as training data to correct
for bias and ensuring human oversight. Whilst these safeguards are
crucial, they will not address the irreparable harms which will result
from a number of uses of AI.

“The EU must move beyond technical fixes for the complex problems posed
by AI. Instead, the upcoming AI regulation must determine the legal
limits, impermissible uses or ‘red-lines’ for AI applications. This is a
necessary step for a people-centered, fundamental rights-based AI” says
Sarah Chander, Senior Policy Adviser, EDRi.

The EDRi network lists some of the impermissible uses of AI:

- indiscriminate biometric surveillance and biometric capture and
processing in public spaces [1]
- use of AI to solely determine access to or delivery of essential
public services (such as social security, policing, migration control)
- uses of AI which purport to identify, analyse and assess emotion,
mood, behaviour, and sensitive identity traits (such as race,
disability) in the delivery of essential services
- predictive policing
- autonomous lethal weapons and other uses which identify targets for
lethal force (such as law and immigration enforcement)

"The EU must ensure that states and companies meet their obligations and
responsibilities to respect and promote human rights in the context of
automated decision-making systems. EU institutions and national
policymakers must explicitly recognise that there are legal limits to
the use and impact of automation. No safeguard or remedy would make
indiscriminate biometric surveillance or predictive policing acceptable,
justified or compatible with human rights" said Fanny Hidvegi, Europe
Policy Manager at Access Now.

Require democratic oversight for AI in the public sphere

The rapidly increasing deployment of AI systems presents a major
governance issue. Due to the (designed) opacity of the systems, the
complete lack of transparency from governments when such systems are
deployed for use in public, essential functions, and the systematic lack
of democratic oversight and engagement – AI is furthering the ‘power
asymmetry between those who develop and employ AI technologies, and
those who interact with and are subject to them [2].

As a result, decisions impacting public services will be more opaque,
increasingly privately owned, and even less subject to democratic
oversight. It is vital that the EU’s regulatory proposal on AI addresses
this – implementing mandatory measures of democratic oversight for the
procurement and deployment of AI in the public sector and essential
services. More, the EU must explore methods of direct public engagement
on AI systems. In this regard, authorities should be required to
specifically consult marginalised groups likely to be disproportionately
impacted by automated systems.

Implement the strongest possible fundamental rights protections

Regulation on AI must reinforce, rather than replace, the protections
already embedded in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The
European Commission has the opportunity to complement these protections
with safeguards for AI. To put people first and provide the strongest
possible protections, all systems should complete mandatory human rights
impact assessments. This assessment should evaluate the collective,
societal, institutional and governance implications the system poses,
and outline adequate steps to mitigate this.

"The deployment of such systems for predictive purposes comes with high
risks on human rights violations. Introducing ethical guidelines &
standards for the design and deployment of these tools is welcome, but
not enough. Instead, we need the European Union and Member States to
ensure compliance with the applicable regulatory frameworks, and draw
clear legal limits to ensure AI is always compatible with fundamental
rights." says Eleftherios Chelioudakis from Homo Digitalis.

EDRi’s position calls for fundamental rights to be prioritised in the
regulatory proposal for all AI systems, not only those categorised as
‘high-risk’. We argue AI regulation should avoid creating loop-holes or
exemptions based on sector, size of enterprise, or whether or not the
system is deployed in the public sector.

"It is crucial for the EU to recognize that the adoption of AI
applications is not inevitable. The design, development and deployment
of systems must be tested against human rights standards in order to
establish their appropriate and acceptable use. Red lines are thus an
important piece of the AI governance puzzle. Recognizing impermissible
use at the outset is particularly important because of the
disproportionate, unequal and sometimes irreversible ways in which
automated decision making systems impact societies." said Vidushi Marda,
Senior Programme Officer, at ARTICLE 19

The rapid uptake of AI will fundamentally change our society. From a
human rights’ perspective, AI systems have the ability to exacerbate
surveillance and intrusion into our personal lives, fundamentally alter
the delivery of public and essential services, vastly undermine vital
data protection legislation, and disrupt the democratic process.

For some, AI will mean reinforced, deeper harms as such systems feed and
embed existing processes of marginalisation. For all, the route to
remedies, accountability, and justice will be ever-more unclear, as this
power asymmetry further shifts to private actors, and public goods and
services will be not only automated, but privately owned.

There is no “trustworthy AI” without clear red-lines for impermissable
use, democratic oversight, and a truly fundamental rights-based approach
to AI regulation. The European Union’s upcoming legislative proposal on
artificial intelligence (AI) is a major opportunity change this; to
protect people and democracy from the escalating economic, political and
social issues posed by AI.


[1] EDRi (2020). ‘Ban Biometric Mass Surveillance: A set of fundamental
rights demands for the European Commission and Member States’

[2] Council of Europe  (2019). ‘Responsibility and AI  DGI(2019)05
Rapporteur: Karen Yeung

Read more:

EDRi Consultation Response: European Commission Consultation on the
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

EDRI Recommendations for a Fundamental-rights based Artificial
Intelligence Regulation: Addressing collective harms, democratic
oversight and impermissable use

Access Now Consultation Response: European Commission Consultation on
the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

Bits of Freedom (2020). ‘Facial recognition: A convenient and efficient
solution, looking for a problem?’

EDRi (2020). ‘Ban Biometric Mass Surveillance: A set of fundamental
rights demands for the European Commission and Member States’

Privacy International and Article 19 (2018). ‘Privacy and Freedom of
Expression in the Age of Artificial Intelligence’

2. COVID-Tech: the sinister consequences of immunity passports

Milton Ponson
GSM: +297 747 8280
PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 16:30:13 UTC