from October to December 2006 by subject

(HTTP Cookie) Domain structure/validation drafts released

[Ietf-http-auth] Updating RFC 2617 (HTTP Digest) to use UTF-8

[ietf-http-wg] <none>

Allow is not in 13.5.2

An RFC2616bis issues list

Content-Location in Requests


Enforcement of specifications

ERR header (NEW ISSUE: Drop Content-Location)

Etag-on-write, 3rd attempt (== IETF draft 01), was: Etag-on-write, 2nd attempt (== IETF draft 01)

Etag-on-write, 4rd attempt (== IETF draft 03), was: I-D ACTION:draft-reschke-http-etag-on-write-03.txt

Etag-on-write, 5th attempt (== IETF draft 04), was: I-D ACTION:draft-reschke-http-etag-on-write-04.txt

Etag-on-write, draft -04

ETags vs Variants, was: Revising RFC2616 - what's happening

Fwd: I-D ACTION:draft-pettersen-cookie-v2-00.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-lafon-rfc2616bis-00.txt

I-D ACTION:draft-lafon-rfc2616bis-02.txt

Intent of 14.38 Server

Large content size value

Large content size value [was: RE: Use of 1*DIGIT

NEW ISSUE: 13.1.2's Definition of 1xx Warn-Codes

NEW ISSUE: classify RFC977 reference as "informative", and update to RFC3977

NEW ISSUE: date formats in BNF and spec text, was: RFC 2616 Errata: Misc. Typos

NEW ISSUE: Drop Content-Location

NEW ISSUE: editorial bug in 13.5.1

NEW ISSUE: example for matching functions, was: Weak and strong ETags

NEW ISSUE: inconsistency in date format explanation

NEW ISSUE: references to RFC1700

NEW ISSUE: Sort 1.3 Terminology

NEW ISSUE: typo (?) in 14.18, rfc1123-format

NEW ISSUE: unneeded references

PATCH method

Redirection after DELETE?

References in RFC2616, was: Revising RFC2616 - what's happening

References style in draft-lafon-rfc2616bis

Reorganising RFC2616 [was: Revising RFC2616 - what's happening]

Response to appeal by Robert Sayre dated 2006-08-29

Revising RFC2616 - what's happening

RFC 2616 Errata: 14.11 Content Encoding

RFC 2616 Errata: Misc. Typos

RFC2616 erratum "languagetag"

RFC2616bis question: is the reference to RFC1123 normative?

security requirements

security requirements (was: Updating RFC 2617 (HTTP Digest) to use UTF-8)

unneeded references

Use of 1*DIGIT

Weak and strong ETags

Last message date: Sunday, 31 December 2006 04:53:10 UTC