RE: Allow is not in 13.5.2

Henrik Nordstrom said:
> tor 2006-12-21 klockan 02:24 +0100 skrev Henrik Nordstrom:
> > If 14.7 is kept as a MUST requirement then the directive needs to be
> > added in a new MUST section in 13.5.2 stricter than any of the existing
> > sections.
> Or alternatively no change at all. There is no conflict.

I don't like the idea of leaving this as it is. There is a consistency issue
here, and while it may not cause confusion if you read the whole thing end-
to-end (and retain it), or have that section pointed out to you, it can
cause confusion and implementation error if you write your "do not alter"
logic based solely on 13.5.2. Again, I really think we should:

1. Remove 13.5.2 and put the information out into the header definitions, or

2. Put all the information in 13.5.2 and remove it from the header
   definitions, or

3. Maintain the information both in 13.5.2 and the header definitions,

Anything else has the potential to cause problems, especially in team situations (or if you have really awful memory, like me :).

-- Travis

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2006 21:13:39 UTC