Re: NEW ISSUE: Drop Content-Location

mån 2006-12-04 klockan 15:57 -0800 skrev Roy T. Fielding:

> At most, what we could do is say that a recipient may ignore the
> base-setting semantics of Content-Location when present in the
> outermost fields of an HTTP message received during HTTP communication.
> Personally, I think that would be a mistake.  I would prefer to say
> that a recipient may disregard the base-setting semantics if there also
> exists a base URI from the retrieval context and use of that base URI
> for parsing relative references within the entity results in fewer
> errors than use of the Content-Location URI.  A bad Content-Location
> value SHOULD be reported to the user as an error.

Fully agreed.


Received on Sunday, 10 December 2006 19:16:02 UTC