"Closing" an activity
[ACL] principal-collection-set
- Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 11 October)
- Peter Raymond (Thursday, 11 October)
- Stefan Eissing (Thursday, 11 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Julian F. Reschke (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Eric Sedlar (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Greg Stein (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Julian F. Reschke (Wednesday, 10 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 10 October)
[ACL] Standard privileges for DeltaV operations?
[daniel.kirmse@sap.com: WebDAV/DeltaV: GET on Version Tree]
[Fwd: List of DeltaV questions, issues, and extensions]
Allowing non-default options for auto-checkout and -checkin
Another error in section 22?
AW: baselines & namespaces
- Tim Ellison (Monday, 17 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 17 December)
- Kirmse, Daniel (Monday, 17 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 17 December)
- Tim Ellison (Monday, 17 December)
- Kirmse, Daniel (Monday, 17 December)
baselines & namespaces
- Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 25 December)
- Konstantin Knizhnik (Monday, 24 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 20 December)
- Konstantin Knizhnik (Thursday, 20 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 19 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 18 December)
- Alison Macmillan (Tuesday, 18 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 18 December)
- Alison Macmillan (Monday, 17 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Friday, 14 December)
- Alison Macmillan (Thursday, 13 December)
Baselines and Bindings
Change Request Management (was: Submission: deltav subset)
Clarification on definition of a configuration....
Clarification on what exactly is captured in the Baseline Col lection...
Content-Type / charset in RFC2518, deltaV and ACL specs
- Julian Reschke (Monday, 29 October)
- Julian Reschke (Thursday, 4 October)
- Larry Masinter - LMM@acm.org (Thursday, 4 October)
- Julian F. Reschke (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Jim Whitehead (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Julian F. Reschke (Wednesday, 3 October)
Copying DAV:comment on CHECKIN and VERSION-CONTROL
Creating new version-controlled bindings referencing existing VHR's
DAV:version-controlled-configuration property...
Definition of a configuration
- Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 29 October)
- Peter Raymond (Monday, 29 October)
- Peter Raymond (Monday, 29 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 29 October)
- Alison Macmillan (Monday, 29 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Monday, 29 October)
- Edgar@EdgarSchwarz.de (Sunday, 28 October)
DeltaV validation suite (was: Submission: deltav subset)
Didn't we agree to change supported-live-property-set?
Do baselines capture live properties of VCRs?
DTD confusion (mail thread from 2001Q1)
DTD for supported-method-set (3.1.3)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Eric Sedlar (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Julian Reschke (Tuesday, 23 October)
Eclipsed resources...
Eclipsed version-controlled collections
Finding the Baseline-Controlled Collection given a working ba seli ne...
Finding the Baseline-Controlled Collection given a working ba seline...
Finding the Baseline-Controlled Collection given a working baseli ne...
Flag making DAV:response elements of UPDATE and MERGE optional
GET on version tree/Workspaces
Guidance of DAV: namespace usage in drafts
How to enforce the preconditions regarding modifying a baseli ne collection
How to enforce the preconditions regarding modifying a baseline c ollection
How to patch with SQUID?
How to update workspace with UPDATE and MERGE?
I-D ACTION:draft-dusseault-deltav-subset-00.txt
I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-19.txt
I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-deltav-versioning-20.txt
Issues with section 22 of the deltav protocol document...
List of DeltaV questions, issues, and extensions
Merge with activity
merge-preview Report, MERGE and UPDATE responses
Missing reference in DeltaV - XML schema
MS webfolder bug on COPY/MOVE
options (* contains proposed editorial change to DeltaV *)
Parallel Development
Proposed editorial change for deltav spec (WAS: [ACL] principal-c ollection-set)
Protocol Action: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV to Proposed Standard
Re (2): Creating new version-controlled bindings refer encing existing VHR's
Re (2): Creating new version-controlled bindings referencing existing VHR's
Re (2): Definition of a configuration
Re (2): Re[2]: baselines & namespaces
Re (3): Definition of a configuration
Re (3): Re[2]: baselines & namespaces
Re (4): Re[2]: baselines & namespaces
Re (5): Re[2]: baselines & namespaces
Removing a collection from baseline-control and deleting VCCs etc
REPORT method
Resource class does not list the REPORT method
Simple editorial change needed to section 13.9
Small mistake in section 16.2
Small typo in Section 1.3
Some questions on Configurations
Standard privileges for DeltaV operations?
Storing properties
Submission: deltav subset
- Lisa Dusseault (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Julian Reschke (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Peter Raymond (Wednesday, 24 October)
- Alan Kent (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Julian Reschke (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Lisa Dusseault (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Jim Amsden (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Karpenstein, Cristina (Apprentice) (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Julian Reschke (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Stefan Eissing (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Jim Amsden (Tuesday, 23 October)
- Jim Whitehead (Monday, 22 October)
- Roy Seto (Monday, 22 October)
- Jim Amsden (Monday, 22 October)
- Lisa Dusseault (Monday, 22 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Friday, 19 October)
- Dylan Barrell (Friday, 19 October)
- Julian Reschke (Friday, 19 October)
- Dylan Barrell (Friday, 19 October)
- Stefan Eissing (Friday, 19 October)
- Julian Reschke (Friday, 19 October)
- Dylan Barrell (Friday, 19 October)
- Jim Amsden (Thursday, 18 October)
UPDATE with activity source
Updated model available
VCR Fork and GET
version resource and locking
VR / VHR and check in/out
What happened to working baselines in draft 20?
Where is the "working baseline" concept defined?
Why does MERGE automatically checkin resources related to act ivities?
- Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 4 October)
- Greg Stein (Thursday, 4 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Greg Stein (Wednesday, 3 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 2 October)
- Peter Raymond (Tuesday, 2 October)
- Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 2 October)
- Roy Seto (Tuesday, 2 October)
- Greg Stein (Monday, 1 October)
- Greg Stein (Monday, 1 October)
Workspaces and File&Folder Hierarchy
- Clemm, Geoff (Thursday, 13 December)
- Alan Kent (Thursday, 13 December)
- Kirmse, Daniel (Wednesday, 12 December)
- Clemm, Geoff (Tuesday, 11 December)
- Alan Kent (Monday, 10 December)
- Kirmse, Daniel (Monday, 10 December)
XML elements in a response
Last message date: Friday, 28 December 2001 17:07:08 UTC