GET on version tree/Workspaces


I've a few problems not handled in the WebDAV-FAQ of

1.Suppose you have a resource A.file with a version tree as follows:

           /  \
          /    \
         /      \
  A.file,2.1   A.file,2.2
	 |		|
 A.file,2.1.1  A.file,2.2.1

where the version number does not necessarily express the sequence of
creation of the versions. All versions are checked in.

Suppose a client sends a GET A.file Request. Which version of A.file must be
sent as response, A.file,2.1.1 or A.file,2.2.1?

2.I'd like to use server workspace for emulating a development (DEV) and a
consolidation (CONS) source tree of a single source tree. 
Suppose I have a source tree. 

		"/" (root)
           / \
          /   \
         a.c  b.c

Where a.c and b.c are version-controlled resources. In the beginning of my
development I create a workspace DEV to contain all resources of a certain

		"/" (root)
		/        \
           /          \
          src         DEV
          / \          |
         /   \         |
        a.c  b.c      src
                      / \
                     /   \
                   a.c  b.c

Files a.c and b.c are part of the worksapce and after some time there are
version 4 of a.c and version 3 of b.c are candidates for delivery. So I set
up a new workspace emulating my consolidation source tree (CONS) as a copy
of the DEV workspace, copying the latest version of a.c and b.c to it. (Is
it allowed so far?) In my oppinion now a checkin of a.c in DEV and in CONS
would produce a branch in the source tree of a.c (right?).
Now suppose a user with a user worksapce /usr/dan who has to fix a bug in
a.c both in DEV and CONS. I think it is not allowed to have to versons of
a.c in the same workspace (right?), so user dan has to set up two workspace
to get this done (right?). 
Finally the question is: Is it possible for user dan to copy /DEV/a.c into
his workspace or MUST he copy /src/a.c into his workspace? Or the other way
around: Is it possible to have a workspace as a source of resources for
another workspace?

Many thanks in advance,
Daniel Kirmse

Received on Monday, 10 December 2001 09:03:53 UTC