Eclipsed resources...


The deltav draft (section 14.1.1) says that a non version-controlled
resource can 
"eclipse" a version-controlled resource.  When the non version-controlled
is deleted or moved the version-controlled member is exposed.

I have a few questions/issues regarding this concept:

1) What happens if a VERSION-CONTROL request is issued on the non
   member that is eclipsing the version-controlled resource?

2) BASELINE-CONTROL can be issued with a baseline URL in the request body
(in order to
   populate the collection), if there is a non version-controlled resource
at the 
   destination whose binding name clashes with the name of a member in the
baseline does 
   eclipsing occur?  It seems like the same scenario but eclipsing is not
defined here.

3) Why was this defined this way around? Surely the version-controlled
member should
   take precedence over the non version-controlled resource.

4) Why was this behaviour defined instead of just failing the UPDATE or
MERGE request.
   This eclipsing behaviour seems odd and it may confuse end users to have
their resources
   masked by some other resource.

Does anyone in the group have any good material explaining the "hows and
whys" of eclipsed
versions? How did it get into the spec in the first place, was there use
cases etc?

Peter Raymond - MERANT
Principal Architect (PVCS)
Tel: +44 (0)1727 813362
Fax: +44 (0)1727 869804

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2001 10:05:59 UTC