Re: [ACL] principal-collection-set

On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 12:54:05PM -0400, Clemm, Geoff wrote:
> 1) Keep DeltaV with OPTIONS, and make ACL use OPTIONS for consistency
> 2) Change DeltaV to use properties, and have ACL use properties
> 3) Have DeltaV and ACL use different ways to obtain xxx-collection-set
> The main situation I *really* want to avoid is:
> 4) Change DeltaV to use properties, and have ACL end up using OPTIONS
>    or some other non-property mechanism inconsistent with DeltaV.
> So for those folks that care about this (probably not many :-),
> which choice do you prefer?

#1 big time. This high level information belongs in OPTIONS, queried once
when you first contact the server, to determine what it can support. This
happens before you know that a PROPFIND can be issued.

IMO, it's always been bogus to have protocol/implementation info as a
property. The DAV:lockdiscovery has always given me a twitch.


Greg Stein,

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 13:17:17 UTC