Re (2): Re[2]: baselines & namespaces

"Clemm, Geoff" <> wrote:
>    From: Konstantin Knizhnik []
>    Consider the following situation: we have
>    version-controlled-directory /x placed under baseline control and
>    version-controlled-directory /x/y belonging to the different
>    configuration. Now if we extract baseline (without subbaselines)
>    from version-controlled-configuration for /x in some workspace, how
>    we should handle /x/y belonging to the other configuration and all
>    it's members ?
> To make this more concrete: let's assume that "some workspace" is
> /ws/kk, and that /ws/kk/x is under baseline control, and
> version-controlled configuration associated with /ws/kk/x selects a
> baseline from the baseline history /repo/bh/8.  Now a new baseline
> (/repo/bl/22) for /repo/bh/8 is created in some other workspace, and
> we decide to MERGE /repo/bl/22 into /ws/kk.
>    Should created version-controlled-resource /x contain binding to "y"?
> Yes.  Although it is not a binding "to" y, but rather a binding "named" y.
Hi Geoff, my interpretation of Konstantins question is different.
If /x/y is the root collection of another configuration it doesn't belong to /x
and if it also isn't a subbaseline of /x it must not be created when /x is
extracted in a new workspace.
Just as a reminder: In my understanding the BASELINE-CONTROL feature can
exist without the VERSION-CONTROLLED-COLLECTION feature.

Cheers, Edgar

*          DOSenfreie Zone.        Running Active Oberon.         *
Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.     Albert Einstein

Received on Sunday, 23 December 2001 07:34:44 UTC