RE: Definition of a configuration

A "configuration" is just a concept defined by the spec
(i.e. the definition quoted below).  It always existed in
WebDAV, but didn't have a name (it was the "Depth:infinity
state of a collection").  You manipulate it with
standard operations like PUT/MKCOL/DELETE/COPY (a Depth:Infinity
copy allows you to copy an entire configuration from one spot
to another).


-----Original Message-----
From: Alison Macmillan []
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 5:37 AM
To: Clemm, Geoff
Subject: Re: Definition of a configuration

"Clemm, Geoff" wrote:

>    From: []
>    ...I would change the definitions Peter cites:
>      "A configuration is a set of resources that consists of a root
>       collection and all version-controlled members of that root
>       except those resources that are members of another configuration"
>      "A baseline is a version resource that captures the state of each
>       member of a configuration."
> This would not allow you to talk about non-version-controlled
> configurations.  I think this would be unfortunate, since it is
> a useful concept even if you aren't doing versioning.

I didn't think non-version-controlled configurations were defined by the
How do you create and restore such a configuration?

Received on Monday, 29 October 2001 07:45:26 UTC