- From: Clemm, Geoff <gclemm@rational.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 10:04:39 -0500
- To: ietf-dav-versioning@w3.org
From: Konstantin Knizhnik [mailto:KKnizhnik@togetherlab.com] Consider the following situation: we have version-controlled-directory /x placed under baseline control and version-controlled-directory /x/y belonging to the different configuration. Now if we extract baseline (without subbaselines) from version-controlled-configuration for /x in some workspace, how we should handle /x/y belonging to the other configuration and all it's members ? To make this more concrete: let's assume that "some workspace" is /ws/kk, and that /ws/kk/x is under baseline control, and version-controlled configuration associated with /ws/kk/x selects a baseline from the baseline history /repo/bh/8. Now a new baseline (/repo/bl/22) for /repo/bh/8 is created in some other workspace, and we decide to MERGE /repo/bl/22 into /ws/kk. Should created version-controlled-resource /x contain binding to "y"? Yes. Although it is not a binding "to" y, but rather a binding "named" y. Should we create version-controlled-resource for /x/y? It depends. Let /repo/vh/12 be the version-history that is identified by the version-controlled binding named "y" in the version of /x selected by /repo/bl/22. If before the MERGE, there was a VCR that selected a version of /repo/vh/12, then /ws/kk/x/y is just a binding to that VCR. If there was no such VCR, then the server creates a new VCR at /ws/kk/x/y. If so, which version should it select? Server dependent (initial, latest, random,...) If a new VCR was created, the DAV:checked-in version of that VCR is an arbitrary version of /repo/vh/12. I tried to require that it select the root version in this case, but a couple members of the design team insisted this this choice had to be left up to the server. Should it also be done for members of /x/y? Yes. One of the advantages of picking the "root" version is that if it is a collection, it is common for the "root" version to be empty, so you don't have to traverse down the tree picking random versions all the way down. Cheers, Geoff h
Received on Thursday, 20 December 2001 10:07:48 UTC