Definition of a configuration

Peter Raymond <> wrote:
> Initially I thought that only collections and version-controlled resources 
> actually need this property since non-version-controlled resources cannot be
> captured in a baseline.  Then I noticed that in section 12 it says:
>        "A configuration is a set of resources that consists of a root
>        collection and all members of that root collection except those
>        resources that are members of another configuration"
> It also says:
> 	"A baseline is a version resource that captures the state of each
>        version-controlled member of a configuration"
> The configuration DOES include members that are not version-controlled, but
> the baseline does NOT capture them.  Right?
The spec is saying that but I think it's wrong :-)
The purpose of a version is to capture the state of the thing it's a version of.
So if a configuration can contain not-version-controlled members and a
baseline doesn't capture them a baseline isn't really a version of a configuration.
At least in the sense I defined the meaning of 'version' above.

Therefore I would change the definitions Peter cites:

  "A configuration is a set of resources that consists of a root
   collection and all version-controlled members of that root collection
   except those resources that are members of another configuration"

  "A baseline is a version resource that captures the state of each
   member of a configuration."

> So, my question is:
> Will non-version-controlled members of a configuration that is under baseline 
> control return a value for the DAV:version-controlled-configuration property?
This question doesn't make sense any more because there aren't such members by
definition. The question Peter would have now is:

  Will non-version-controlled members of a collection that is under baseline 
  control return a value for the DAV:version-controlled-configuration property?

I would answer no. I think we should make clear the difference between the
configuration (The set of version controlled resources. A logical entity) and
the collection which just serves as a temporary anchor/root  to "display" the
This root collection can obviously contain non-version-controlled members
which can be added and removed from the configuration by changing their
version-control status.

Cheers, Edgar 

*          DOSenfreie Zone.        Running Active Oberon.         *
Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler.     Albert Einstein

Received on Sunday, 28 October 2001 15:58:43 UTC