RE: options

Every statement in the DeltaV protocol is implicitly wrapped
with the prefix "If the feature of this section is supported, then ...".
So the request body MUST be DAV:options if any of the DeltaV features
are supported by the server.

But I agree that it would be more precise to qualify any statement
about the response body marshalling with the statement "if the request
succeeds" (since if it does not, you often get a DAV:error node as
the response body).  I will try to squeeze this into the final editing pass.
Thanks for noticing that!


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Eissing []
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 6:15 AM
Subject: DAV:options

Sorry for the late comment on the spec:

In x.x Additional OPTIONS Semantics

  Additional Marshalling:
  If an XML request body is included, it MUST be a DAV:options XML element.

Should be:

  If an XML request body is included, and the document element is
  and the server supports the xxxx feature, the server MUST process a
  DAV:xxx-set child element of DAV:options.
  If the request is successful, the response...

Not every OPTIONS XML request body to a HTTP server must include
DAV:options, right?


Received on Thursday, 4 October 2001 09:04:36 UTC