RE: Finding the Baseline-Controlled Collection given a working ba seli ne...


[Geoff wrote]:

>The only way a working baseline is useful is if it is checked-out from
>a VCC with the DAV:apply-to-version flag (otherwise there would be no
>way to update the members of the configuration).  In this case, the
>DAV:auto-version property identifies the VCC, and the
>DAV:baseline-controlled-collection property of the VCC identifies the

OK, this is useful to know and in my opinion should be spelled out in the
document that the only way to create a working baseline is by doing a
checkout of a VCC.  Then I would be happy that my server can just look at
DAV:baseline-controlled-collection property of the VCC identified by the
At the moment I cannot guarantee that the working baseline has been created
by checking
out a VCC so I have to do the complex looking of properties and collection
members etc
as in my last e-mail.

Out of interest, are there any clients out there (or clients under design)
would be checking out a baseline to create a working baseline (as opposed to
out a VCC with apply-to-version)?

Peter Raymond - MERANT.

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 13:23:35 UTC