DTD for supported-method-set (3.1.3)

DeltaV Draft 20 says:


3.1.3           DAV:supported-method-set (protected)
This property identifies the methods that are supported by the resource.  A
method is supported by a resource if there is some state of that resource
for which an application of that method will successfully satisfy all
postconditions of that method, including any additional postconditions added
by the features supported by that resource.

<!ELEMENT supported-method-set (supported-method*)>

<!ELEMENT supported-method ANY>

<!ATTLIST supported-method name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>

name value: a method name


a) Why is the content model for supported-method "ANY"? Just for extensions?

b) Do we agree that the attribute name is not qualified (so it is in no

In retrospective, just defining properties in terms of DTDs -- while DTDs
can by definition not be normative for WebDAV (*) -- isn't a good idea.

(*) DTDs can not properly capture namespace information. Neither can they
adequately model the extensible model defined in section C.2.2 of RFC2518


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2001 15:55:06 UTC