[whatwg] <a download> feedback
[whatwg] <di>? Please?
[whatwg] <html>, <head> and <body> tag
[whatwg] <script> features
[whatwg] <source>s in <video> by quality as well as codec
[whatwg] [Cross-document messaging] Restrictions on targetOrigin
[whatwg] [Selectors4] case-insensitive attribute value matching (in XML)
[whatwg] A few questions on HTML5
[whatwg] Add crossorigin attribute to SCRIPT tags
[whatwg] add html-attribute for "responsive images"
- Mathew Marquis (Thursday, 9 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Thursday, 9 February)
- Jordan Dobson (Thursday, 9 February)
- Tim van Oostrom (Thursday, 9 February)
- FOUSHEE, SEAN (Thursday, 9 February)
- Jason Grigsby (Thursday, 9 February)
- Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis (Thursday, 9 February)
- Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis (Thursday, 9 February)
- Kornel Lesiński (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Anselm Hannemann - Novolo Designagentur (Wednesday, 8 February)
- FOUSHEE, SEAN (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Mathew Marquis (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Wednesday, 8 February)
- David Goss (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Bronislav Klučka (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Bronislav Klučka (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis (Wednesday, 8 February)
- David Goss (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Bronislav Klučka (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Anselm Hannemann - Novolo Designagentur (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Bronislav Klučka (Wednesday, 8 February)
- David Goss (Wednesday, 8 February)
- David Goss (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Anselm Hannemann (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Anselm Hannemann (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Kornel Lesiński (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Jason Grigsby (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- David Goss (Tuesday, 7 February)
- David Goss (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Henri Sivonen (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Mathew Marquis (Tuesday, 7 February)
- David Goss (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Ashley Sheridan (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Anselm Hannemann (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Anselm Hannemann (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Ashley Sheridan (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Anselm Hannemann – Novolo Designagentur (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Ashley Sheridan (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Mathew Marquis (Monday, 6 February)
[whatwg] add html-attribute for "responsive images" Mathew Marquis
[whatwg] Addition of a setExtend(in DOMString extend) method to the CanvasGradient interface
[whatwg] Allow Fallback Text to Render Section Titles in Outlines
[whatwg] Asynchronous history navigation and some inconsistencies
[whatwg] autocompletetype vs autocomplete, type attributes
[whatwg] Caching of identical files from different URLs using checksums
[whatwg] Can we deprecate alert(), confirm(), prompt() ?
[whatwg] Changing the type of event.dataTransfer.types
[whatwg] Character-encoding-related threads
[whatwg] Comments before the DOCTYPE (warning message in validator.nu)
[whatwg] contentEditable and drag and drop cancel
[whatwg] crypto.getRandomValues feedback
[whatwg] Decimal comma in numeric input
[whatwg] Deferring image load
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 13 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 13 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 13 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 13 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 13 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 13 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 13 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 13 February)
- Ola P. Kleiven (Monday, 13 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Monday, 13 February)
- Kang-Hao (Monday, 13 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 13 February)
- Gray Zhang (Monday, 13 February)
[whatwg] DND: compatibility notes
[whatwg] DND: proposal to expose origin
[whatwg] DND: spec not matching implementations
[whatwg] DND: synthetic events
[whatwg] Document's base URI should use the document's *current* address
[whatwg] document.write("\r"): the spec doesn't say how to handle it.
[whatwg] DOMTokenList feedback
[whatwg] Encrypted Media support for HTMLMediaElement
[whatwg] FileList usage
[whatwg] Focus remains on Hidden Element
[whatwg] focusability of visibility:hidden and display:none elements WAS: Autofocus readonly Input Elements
[whatwg] Form controls inside a label but not labelled by it
[whatwg] HTML5 named entity ≫ and ≪
[whatwg] HTMLForms: Implicit Submission with {display:none} button
[whatwg] Idea: pseudo-classes :valid and :invalid for whole form?
[whatwg] including <output> in form submissions
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Friday, 24 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Friday, 24 February)
- Michael Gratton (Friday, 24 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Wednesday, 22 February)
- Cameron Jones (Wednesday, 22 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Wednesday, 22 February)
- Cameron Jones (Wednesday, 22 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Wednesday, 22 February)
- Cameron Jones (Wednesday, 22 February)
- Ian Hickson (Tuesday, 21 February)
[whatwg] On using abbr with no title and screen readers
[whatwg] Patterns of well-known quotes sites
[whatwg] ProgressEvents for Images
[whatwg] Proposal for autocompletetype Attribute in HTML5 Specification
[whatwg] Proposal: Deprecate registerProtocolHandler/registerContentHandler via Web Intents
[whatwg] Quirks Mode Standard
- Simon Pieters (Monday, 20 February)
- Simon Pieters (Friday, 17 February)
- Simon Pieters (Wednesday, 15 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 13 February)
- L. David Baron (Monday, 13 February)
- Simon Pieters (Monday, 13 February)
- L. David Baron (Monday, 13 February)
- Simon Pieters (Monday, 13 February)
- L. David Baron (Sunday, 12 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 10 February)
- Aryeh Gregor (Friday, 10 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 10 February)
- Simon Pieters (Friday, 10 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 10 February)
- Simon Pieters (Friday, 10 February)
- L. David Baron (Thursday, 9 February)
- Simon Pieters (Thursday, 9 February)
[whatwg] Reconcile document.URL and document.documentURI?
[whatwg] Review and Browser Vendor Interest in Form Enhancement
[whatwg] RWD Heaven and responsive-images
[whatwg] RWD Heaven: if browsers reported device capabilities in a request header
- divya manian (Monday, 13 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Thursday, 9 February)
- Jason Grigsby (Thursday, 9 February)
- Ronjec Viktor (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Henri Sivonen (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Mounir Lamouri (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Henri Sivonen (Wednesday, 8 February)
- Kornel Lesiński (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Tim Kadlec (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Tuesday, 7 February)
- divya manian (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Mike Taylor (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- David Goss (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Jason Grigsby (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Henri Sivonen (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Tuesday, 7 February)
- James Graham (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Jason Grigsby (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Monday, 6 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Monday, 6 February)
- James Graham (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 6 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Ashley Sheridan (Monday, 6 February)
- Ashley Sheridan (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Monday, 6 February)
- Irakli Nadareishvili (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Monday, 6 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 6 February)
- Glenn Maynard (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Monday, 6 February)
- James Graham (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Matthew Wilcox (Monday, 6 February)
- Henri Sivonen (Monday, 6 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Sunday, 5 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Sunday, 5 February)
- Kornel Lesiński (Sunday, 5 February)
- Bjartur Thorlacius (Saturday, 4 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Saturday, 4 February)
- irakli (Saturday, 4 February)
[whatwg] RWD Heaven: if browsers reported device capabilities in a request header (Boris Zbarsky)
[whatwg] Should events be paused on detached iframes?
[whatwg] should we add beforeload/afterload events to the web platform?
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 6 February)
- Henri Sivonen (Monday, 6 February)
- Adam Barth (Saturday, 4 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Saturday, 4 February)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 4 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Saturday, 4 February)
- Ian Hickson (Saturday, 4 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 3 February)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 3 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 3 February)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 3 February)
[whatwg] Specification of window.find()
[whatwg] suggestion limited context
[whatwg] Supporting scrollTop and scrollLeft on the Canvas element
[whatwg] The blockquote element spec vs common quoting practices
- Ian Hickson (Monday, 13 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Sunday, 12 February)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 12 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Sunday, 12 February)
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Sunday, 12 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Sunday, 12 February)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 12 February)
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Sunday, 12 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Sunday, 12 February)
- Ashley Sheridan (Sunday, 12 February)
- Smylers (Sunday, 12 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Sunday, 12 February)
- Nils Dagsson Moskopp (Sunday, 12 February)
- Jukka K. Korpela (Sunday, 12 February)
- Ian Hickson (Sunday, 12 February)
[whatwg] the impact of <select>.value behavior clearing current selection prior to setting the new selection
[whatwg] title/meta elements outside of <head>
[whatwg] Use Image Alpha Channels for Click Pass-throughs and CSS Exclusions (Wrapping)
[whatwg] Using footer in blockquote for attribution
[whatwg] Web Intents with System-Wide Sharing Features
[whatwg] Why children of datalist elements are barred from constraint validation?
[whatwg] Why isn't the "pattern" attribute applied to <input type="number">?
[whatwg] Why won't you let us make our own HTML5 browsers?
[whatwg] window.location aborting the parser and subsequent document.writes
Last message date: Wednesday, 29 February 2012 16:01:38 UTC