[whatwg] DND: proposal to expose origin

On 2/17/12 1:35 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> Our proposal takes its cues and algorithms from the postMessage API, 
> and allows the source site to restrict drop targets to only those 
> origins which it trusts, and allows drop targets to see which origin 
> was the source of a drag. The majority of the algorithm can be copied 
> from postMessage, including the syntax for allowed target origins.
> interface DataTransfer {
>   ...
>   readonly attribute DOMString origin;
>   void allowTargetOrigin(DOMString targetOrigin);
> }; 

Any chance we could get D&D to pass a window object or message port so 
we could use postMessage?

window.open/iframe seems the only way to link; I've used an 
iframe+sharedworker setup before, which works pretty well.

Received on Sunday, 19 February 2012 14:28:52 UTC