Mail Archives

Verifiable Credentials EDU task force; may be part of the Credentials CG. This is not a DB-backed list, so membership changes will need to be made manually.
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March 2025by threadby authorby subject1
February 2025by threadby authorby subject4
January 2025by threadby authorby subject17
December 2024by threadby authorby subject9
November 2024by threadby authorby subject10
October 2024by threadby authorby subject6
September 2024by threadby authorby subject4
July 2024by threadby authorby subject4
June 2024by threadby authorby subject5
May 2024by threadby authorby subject4
April 2024by threadby authorby subject8
March 2024by threadby authorby subject5
February 2024by threadby authorby subject3
January 2024by threadby authorby subject7
December 2023by threadby authorby subject4
November 2023by threadby authorby subject6
October 2023by threadby authorby subject8
September 2023by threadby authorby subject8
August 2023by threadby authorby subject11
July 2023by threadby authorby subject11
June 2023by threadby authorby subject11
May 2023by threadby authorby subject11
April 2023by threadby authorby subject10
March 2023by threadby authorby subject10
February 2023by threadby authorby subject17
January 2023by threadby authorby subject15
December 2022by threadby authorby subject5
November 2022by threadby authorby subject29
October 2022by threadby authorby subject39
September 2022by threadby authorby subject25
August 2022by threadby authorby subject12
July 2022by threadby authorby subject18
June 2022by threadby authorby subject30
May 2022by threadby authorby subject35
April 2022by threadby authorby subject27
March 2022by threadby authorby subject9
February 2022by threadby authorby subject7
January 2022by threadby authorby subject33
December 2021by threadby authorby subject8
November 2021by threadby authorby subject53
October 2021by threadby authorby subject20
September 2021by threadby authorby subject4