from May 2006 by subject

"Semantics" vs. "No Semantics"

[Admin] Draft minutes from Telecon 2006-05-16

[ALL] Important: Requirements for RIF - actions for f2f absentees

[ALL] Important: Requirements for RIF - path forward to second UCR WD

[ALL] Re: Rules, and XBRL

[ALL] RIF discussion for next week

[ALL] upcoming telecon notes

[ALL] Update on regrets policy

[RIF] A draft of the Minutes from May 9 Phone Call

[RIF] Agenda 2 May RIF Telecon

[RIF] Agenda 9 May RIF Telecon

[RIF] Agenda for 16 May telecon

[RIF] Agenda for telecon 23 May

[RIF] Agenda for telecon 23 May (REVISED)

[RIF] Agenda for telecon 30 May

[RIF] Critical Success Factors for Goal 1

[RIF] Current list of requirements and design principles for RIF

[RIF] Evaluation of RIRAF for IRL and LIFE

[RIF] Extensible Design

[RIF] Extensible Design --> RIF semantics

[RIF] Extensible Design / Predicate Typing

[RIF] Goals and Critical Success Factors as they relate to first-order logic

[RIF] New diagram with Goals, CSFs, and Requirements

[RIF] New diagram with Goals, CSFs, and Requirements: Whatever happened to first-order logic as a requirement?

[RIF] Proposal for vanilla first-order logic

[RIF] Reaction to the proposal by Boley, Kifer et al

[RIF] Reaction to the proposal by Boley, Kifer et al --> ECA vs PR

[RIF]: "Semantics" vs. "No Semantics"

[RIF][Admin] Draft agenda for F2F3, 8-9 June, Budva

[RIF][Admin] Draft minutes from Telecon 2006-05-23

[SWC] representational issues in combining rules and ontologies

[UCR] New use case illustrating XML data

[UCR] Proposal for RIF' design constraints hierarchy

[UCR] Public Comment clarification of term use

[UCR] Review from SPARQL WG

[UCR] Review from Sven Groppe

A proposal for a unitary RIF phase 1

A requirements diagram

A thought about requirements

A thought about requirements --> PRR

Draft W3C RIF WG minutes 2006-05-02

Editors for Phase I technical spec

F2F3 - Confirmation of room reservation

F2F3 reminder: Information for the local transportation needed by May 3

Formal Concept Analysis and conceptual lattice drawing

instead of "Pure Prolog"

instead of "Pure Prolog" (H-Prolog and SH-Prolog ?)

Interesting side event at ESWC 2006

Last CfP: Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS2006)

mappings between SWRL and Boley proposal

RIF Homework for May 2 Telecon

RIF Telcon Minutes -- 30 May 2006

RIF: A thought about requirements

RIF: A thought about requirements --> PRR

RIF: soundness and semantics --> functional requirements?

RIFRAF analysis for DLV

RIFRAF analysis for WRL

RIFRAF analysis of Xcerpt and XChange

RIFRAF and language taxonomy

Semantics without variable maps

soundness and semantics

soundness for RIF

XML Data -was- RE: [UCR] Public Comment clarification of term use

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2006 16:45:17 UTC