Re: "Semantics" vs. "No Semantics"

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> ********************
> # Abstraction (computer science), a mechanism and practice to reduce and
> 	factor out details so that one can focus on few concepts at a time 
> # Abstraction (mathematics), the process of extracting the underlying
> 	essence of a mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real
> 	world objects 
> # Abstraction (sociology), the varying levels at which theoretical concepts
> 	can be understood 
> ********************
I see no contradications with the use of the word I made: A semantics S1
is more abstractsa than a semanrtics S2 if it leaves out some aspects
that S2 does not leave out. :-)


Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2006 14:19:01 UTC