Re: [RIF] Reaction to the proposal by Boley, Kifer et al

>> The idiosyncrasies of the logic over the usual Herbrand models arise due to
>> the fact that you can't always skolemize (you may not have enough function
>> symbols for that). But in infinite Herbrand models you always have enough
>> functions for skolemization. 
> Well, at least unless you have an infinite number of axioms.
Another formalization, which might be as well acceptable for RIF, is as

Considering a finite set of formulas (or rules) expressed in a finite
language, these formulas are first Skolemized what adds to the language
a finite number of function symbols. Then the Herbrand model is
considered with its universe (= domain) being deiined as usual from the
finite language.

This way, the language is finitre and there is no need for an infinite
number of axioms.


Received on Thursday, 4 May 2006 11:22:21 UTC