Re: mappings between SWRL and Boley proposal

From: Michael Kifer <>
Subject: Re: mappings between SWRL and Boley proposal 
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 15:00:32 -0400

> > From: Michael Kifer <>
> > Subject: Re: mappings between SWRL and Boley proposal 
> > Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 13:46:57 -0400
> > 
> > > > > > The proposal may not be sufficiently explicit about this,
> > > > > > but it states that modeltheoretic satisfaction gives
> > > > > > the meaning to conditions.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Yes, but where is this tied to the mappings?
> > > > 
> > > > This has not been made explicit in the proposal. So, 
> > > > let's do it. [Harold and Michael, we are waiting for 
> > > > your contribution to this.]
> > > 
> > > It was sufficiently explicit in the proposal and Peter knew exactly what
> > > was meant.  The mapping is obviously supposed to satisfy the condition that
> > >
> > > I |= C  <->  I |= M(C)
> > > 
> > > for every interpretation appropriate for the dialect in question.  In a
> > > more general case, M can also be a transformation on models, but this is
> > > not required for Peter's case.
> > 
> > Well, where is the definition of interpretations and supports on the
> > proposal side?  I don't see one.  Without such how can you talk about
> > satisfying your condition above?
> The proposal said:
>     So, by semantics we mean the notion of satisfaction of a formula in the
>     interpretations of the various RIF dialects.  For example, in FO, all
>     first-order interpretations are appropriate. In LP, infinite Herbrand
>     models are typically used. In LP with the well-founded semantics,
>     3-valued Herbrand models are used. Stable model semantics uses only
>     2-valued interpretations.

OK, so if in addition the proposal is extended by adding in the standard
way of providing meaning to non-atomic syntactic constructs, then it can
finally talk about satisfying the condition bove, provided that the rule
formalism *exactly* matches up with one of the RIF "dialects" (to the
extent of having the exact same set of interpretations).  However, what
has the proposal provided beyond an alternative syntax for rules, then?

> There are different notions of interpretations and each comes with its own
> definition of |=. When we say "first-order semantic structure", we mean a
> particular definition of |=. A "3-valued well-founded model" has its own
> definition, etc.

How many RIF dialects (i.e., semantics) are there going to be?

The proposal identifies four:

- FO (first order)
- LP (logic programming)
- PR (production rules)
- RR (reactive rules)

But this can't be right, as the proposal has two different semantics for
LP, and doesn't have a semantics for PR or RR.  As well, the proposal is
going to need a semantics for rule systems using RDF, as the model theory
of RDF is not exactly standard.  I forsee this approach leading to a
different dialect for each rule system.

> This was the intention, if the above wasn't sufficiently clear. Given that
> this is a first draft (which didn't even pretend to be completely formal),
> I claim that we can get some slack here.  Will try to clean it up in the
> next iteration.

Sure you have lots of slack.  But, then why are we producing mappings into
the proposal?  Let's clean it up first.  If it doesn't clean up well enough
then we won't have wasted the effort of producing the mappings.  

On the other hand, if the mappings are only an alignment of rule systems
syntax to the syntax of the proposal, then let's be clear about what we are
doing (and what we aren't).  As well, let's make a separate document with
just the syntax, so that it is clear to everyone that the rest of the
proposal is not involved.

> > > By the way, the proposal didn't talk about these mappings, but it should
> > > have been obvious that such mappings are needed and that the above
> > > condition should be satisfied. Someone who proposed to define these
> > > mappings in the telecon must have also had something like this in mind.
> > 
> > I had in mind, in part, trying to explicate what I felt was missing from
> > the proposal and what was wrong with it.
> This was too subtle for some of us to understand...

I'll be blunter next time.

> 	--michael  

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2006 23:01:26 UTC