Re: [RIF] Extensible Design

Sandro Hawke wrote:
> I'm starting to think that the question "does RIF have semantics" is not
> well formed.  Perhaps each particular RIF dialect will have a formal
> syntax and a formal semantics, and RIF on the whole will just be some
> XML packaging machinery (corresponding to the RIFRAF ontology).
The "sevaral semantics" approach is in opposition to the "no semantics
approach". It is not unusual for a programming language to allow for
semantic variations.
> Hopefully there can be many modules shared between dialects, where both
> the syntax and semantics are shared.   I'm not sure if it'll ever make
> sense to share syntax but not semantics for some part of a language.


Received on Friday, 5 May 2006 10:08:36 UTC