Editors for Phase I technical spec


Discussions have begun in earnest on the technical spec for Phase I of 
RIF, and we would like to have editors in place before the f2f and a 
plan to produce an editor's draft by the end of June.

At this time, we would like to hear from those WG members interested in 
being editors of the Phase I technical spec.  This job will basically 
end up being the most work of any job in the WG for Phase I, so please 
do not volunteer lightly.  The editors must be willing to accommodate a 
broad perspective on Rules, and to ensure that the views of the WG (not 
just their own) are reflected in the document they maintain.  The 
editors must also be able to take criticism constructively.

Please send mail to the chairs (team-rif-chairs@w3.org) if you are 
interested in volunteering.  Also, if you do volunteer, please take a 
moment to think about and suggest who in the WG would make a good 
co-editor with you, with technical depth of individuals and breadth of 
the editing team as your primary criteria (in other words, who do you 
think would best complement you as editor).


Dr. Christopher A. Welty                    IBM Watson Research Center
+1.914.784.7055                             19 Skyline Dr.
cawelty@frontiernet.net                     Hawthorne, NY 10532

Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2006 15:20:09 UTC