Re: Semantics without variable maps

Francois Bry wrote:
> Chris Menzel wrote:
>> On 5/4/06, Francois Bry <> wrote:
>>> ...[PFPS:]
>>>> Variable maps are needed to assist in giving meaning to free
>>> variables.
>>> Not only to free variables, also to quantified variables. In fact, the
>>> very idea of Tarskian models does not need formulas free variables. Such
>>> formulas are considered only so as to define the interpretation function
>>> (assigning a truth value to a formulain an interpretation) recursively
>>> on the formulas structure.
>>> As a consequence, one finds in the logic literature both
>>> "interpretation" offormulas  with free variables:
>>> - their free variables are considered existentially quantified (this is
>>> usual in computer sceince)
>>> - their free variables are considered universally quantified (this used
>>> to be usual in German logic of the 19th and beginning of the 20th
>>> century).
>> There's a third option, and that is not to distinguish free variables
>> semantically from constants.  There is then no need for variable maps
>> at all.  
> Chris is right. This 3rd approach is standard in logic and used in some
> logic textbooks. It has the advantage of keeping things simple. It has
> two drawbacks:
> 1. A didactic drawback (not too dramatic because the appaoch cvan be
> explained).
> 2. It does not corresponds to a widespread tratment of free variuables
> in Computer Science in general, in the theory of relational databases
> and in logic programming in particular.

Also not too dramatic since the approach is more general and the 
"widespread treatment of free variables in CS" is easy enough to deal with.


Dr. Christopher A. Welty                    IBM Watson Research Center
+1.914.784.7055                             19 Skyline Dr.                     Hawthorne, NY 10532

Received on Friday, 5 May 2006 19:05:00 UTC