from September 2018 by subject

[dxwg] A worked example to test the expressivity of ProfDesc

[dxwg] action-200

[dxwg] action-211: initial outline of profileDesc as a Note

[dxwg] Add description of relation to LDP and LDN

[dxwg] Additional scope note for hasPart, …

[dxwg] Allow license property to link to other than LicenseDocument

[dxwg] Can a normative statement be in a non-normative section of a rec document?

[dxwg] Change domain or create superclass of dcat:Distribution

[dxwg] Changes from last CNEG meeting

[dxwg] Clarify how to refer to alternates view methodology for profile neg

[dxwg] Clarify if DCAT's use of ProfileDesc

[dxwg] Clarify intention of 'UML' style diagram

[dxwg] Clarify that the activity that generated a dataset might be on-going

[dxwg] Clarify UML summary diagram, and figure caption

[dxwg] Complete CSIRO's implementation description

[dxwg] Complete Deutsche Nationalbibliothek implementation description

[dxwg] Complete ISO profiles

[dxwg] Complete list of definitions

[dxwg] Complete OGC implementation description

[dxwg] Complete PROF/x alignments

[dxwg] Complete pyLDAPI description

[dxwg] Complete related defns

[dxwg] Complete implementation description

[dxwg] Complete Test Suite

[dxwg] Complete the information transfer from previous HTML doc

[dxwg] conneg doc additions

[dxwg] Data quality model [RDQM]

[dxwg] DCAT - DDI alignment (profile)

[dxwg] DCAT - alignment (profile)

[dxwg] Dcat alignments schema

[dxwg] Dcat minor links daveb

[dxwg] Decide on a structure for main doc content

[dxwg] Define and apply rules for definitions in DCAT

[dxwg] Define and describe use of token

[dxwg] Definition of "Formalism" needed

[dxwg] Dereferenceable identifiers [RDID]

[dxwg] Determine a derivative namespace of PROF for the test suite constraints resource

[dxwg] Determine final namespace

[dxwg] Distribution definition [RDIDF]

[dxwg] Distributions, services and implementation-resources

[dxwg] Ensure de-duplication with concerns in Intro

[dxwg] Examples in profile guidance

[dxwg] Examples of data services

[dxwg] Expand note to explain reason for removal of sub-class relationship to dctype:Dataset

[dxwg] Family of Docs content

[dxwg] Fix Editor/Author referencing of PROF docs

[dxwg] foaf:homepage vs. dcat:landingPage

[dxwg] further PROV alignment, including for mooted WebService class

[dxwg] Generalize dcat:byteSize to dcat:size

[dxwg] Human-readable description location

[dxwg] Improve and consider moving definitions

[dxwg] Improve profile defn with use

[dxwg] Improving profile guidance intro

[dxwg] Incomplete ODRL profiles

[dxwg] issue #300: proposing a paragraph to discourage the use of blank node…

[dxwg] Link to implementation resources

[dxwg] Links across DCAT rec, rdf files and namespace pages

[dxwg] Links from DCAT draft to (DCAT 2014) rdf

[dxwg] Location of related work

[dxwg] Mapping of qualified and non-qualified forms [RQFM]

[dxwg] Minor clean-up

[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran

[dxwg] new commits pushed by aisaac

[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by kcoyle

[dxwg] new commits pushed by larsgsvensson

[dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by plehegar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by pwin

[dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage

[dxwg] Normative refs section

[dxwg] PROF - ADMS alignment

[dxwg] Profile description model and vocabulary

[dxwg] Profile guidance definitions

[dxwg] Profile guidance doc changes from 2018-09-19

[dxwg] Profile guidance needs to include practical guidance

[dxwg] Profile version representation by identifier

[dxwg] ProfileDesc example

[dxwg] Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema). [ID41] (5.41)

[dxwg] Profiles may or may not be "exclusive" of other profiles, i.e. some profiles may forbid the use of their elements in combination of other profiles, while others (in a typical open-world fashion) will allow such combined use.

[dxwg] Profiles may provide rules on cardinality of terms (including “recommended”) [ID41] (5.41)

[dxwg] Profiles overview diagram

[dxwg] Project context [RPCX]

[dxwg] Property to link to the actual implementation artefacts

[dxwg] Provide guidance in DCAT2 on how to extend Distribution

[dxwg] Pull Request: A worked example to test the expressivity of ProfDesc

[dxwg] Pull Request: action-200

[dxwg] Pull Request: action-211: initial outline of profileDesc as a Note

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add ref to OGC and ISO work on dependencies

[dxwg] Pull Request: Additional scope note for hasPart, …

[dxwg] Pull Request: Better code formatting - nice yellow boxes

[dxwg] Pull Request: Changes from last CNEG meeting

[dxwg] Pull Request: Clarify that the activity that generated a dataset might be on-going

[dxwg] Pull Request: Clarify UML summary diagram, and figure caption

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conflicts

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: conneg doc additions

[dxwg] Pull Request: dcat :deleting ref to issue #57 which was closed and correcting link t…

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat alignments schema

[dxwg] Pull Request: Dcat minor links daveb

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT rdf alignment

[dxwg] Pull Request: dcat: Moving and rephrasing the note about issue 58

[dxwg] Pull Request: definitions changes to a def list

[dxwg] Pull Request: Examples of data services

[dxwg] Pull Request: Explain removal of subclass relationship between dcat:Dataset and dctype:Dataset.

[dxwg] Pull Request: Formatting, colour, CSS

[dxwg] Pull Request: Get up to date with master

[dxwg] Pull Request: hasPart Notes reinstated

[dxwg] Pull Request: improved CNEG link

[dxwg] Pull Request: Link to implementation resources

[dxwg] Pull Request: Minor clean-up

[dxwg] Pull Request: Minor types and references/links

[dxwg] Pull Request: moved stub text to ReSpec Issues

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profile guidance doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profile guidance doc changes from 2018-09-19

[dxwg] Pull Request: Remove superfluous note

[dxwg] Pull Request: removed duplicate http://

[dxwg] Pull Request: Revert "Formatting, colour, CSS"

[dxwg] Pull Request: Revert "Revert "Formatting, colour, CSS""

[dxwg] Pull Request: Step a

[dxwg] Pull Request: Sub-editing/Issue 301

[dxwg] Pull Request: suggestion of some text about profiles in general to lead into the doc…

[dxwg] Pull Request: Sundry editorial

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update URLs to DataCite / DCAT-AP mapping

[dxwg] Pull Request: Updates to Profile Guidance doc from meeting 2018-09-06

[dxwg] Qualified forms [RQF]

[dxwg] Reference ADMS

[dxwg] Reference DC Singapore Framework

[dxwg] Reference OGC ModSpec

[dxwg] Reference previous Alternate Views work

[dxwg] Reference previous HTTP Accept work

[dxwg] Reference PROV

[dxwg] Reference the LDP

[dxwg] Related datasets [RRDS]

[dxwg] Related vocabularies mapping [RVM]

[dxwg] Remove superfluous note

[dxwg] Remove superfluous note and stray figure

[dxwg] Remove text in favlour of full reference to final IETF doc

[dxwg] Review global domain axioms on dcat properties

[dxwg] Seek a second implementation

[dxwg] Sub-editing/Issue 301

[dxwg] suggestion of some text about profiles in general to lead into the doc…

[dxwg] Sundry editorial

[dxwg] Test Suite tooling refs

[dxwg] UML diagram

[dxwg] Update

[dxwg] Updates to Profile Guidance doc from meeting 2018-09-06

[dxwg] URI Requirements

[profGui] Missing requirements

Agenda DCAT subgroup Telecon 2018.09.27

Agenda DCAT-Telecon2018.09.06 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda DCAT-Telecon2018.09.13 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda DCAT-Telecon2018.09.20 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda for CNEG meeting 2018-09-12

Agenda for CNEG subgroup meeting 2018-09-26

Agenda plenary 9/11/2018

Agenda September 18, 2018

Agenda September 19, 2018 - Guidance subgroup

Closed: [dxwg] Clarify intention of 'UML' style diagram

Closed: [dxwg] Define and apply rules for definitions in DCAT

Closed: [dxwg] Define and describe use of token

Closed: [dxwg] Distribution definition [RDIDF]

Closed: [dxwg] Expand note to explain reason for removal of sub-class relationship to dctype:Dataset

Closed: [dxwg] Normative refs section

Closed: [dxwg] Project context [RPCX]

Closed: [dxwg] Provide guidance in DCAT2 on how to extend Distribution

Closed: [dxwg] Reference previous HTTP Accept work

CNEG subgroup - proposing Use Case (Issue 239) to Plenary

Comments on DCAT draft

DCAT Second Public Working Draft available for internal review

dxwg-ACTION-199: Ask DCAT subgroup to include an aligned Family of Docs section in their document

dxwg-ACTION-200: Highlight "this document" in family of documents

dxwg-ACTION-201: Merge Definitions Reference column into Definitions text & add link to source for "profile" definition in DXWG proceedings

dxwg-ACTION-202: Sort doc definitions most generic to most specific and refer from more to less specific

dxwg-ACTION-203: Add a conceptual model overview including at least definition terms

dxwg-ACTION-204: Add ADMS profile after DCAT-AP (6.1)

dxwg-ACTION-205: Create a short example of DCAT-AP Related Work for section 6 and a longer piece for an Appendix

dxwg-ACTION-206: Tag Issues in GitHub with plenary-approved those marked Approved in Profile roundup & Profiles Requirements Analisys wiki pages

dxwg-ACTION-207: Ask all DXWG to, when refering to Profiling Requirements, to link to their GitHub Issues and tread Issue status as authoratitive

dxwg-ACTION-208: Report to Plenary that this subgroup has reviewed profile-description GH Issue tag which we will use specifically for Issues assessed to be about profile description

dxwg-ACTION-209: Add description of intended use for prof:token to ontology based on Use Cases and juxtaposed to adms:identifier

dxwg-ACTION-210: Draft a profiledesc gap analysis for the guidance document

dxwg-ACTION-211: Construct profiledesc as a note

dxwg-ACTION-212: Create an issue for profile version representation or not via identifier for w3c conneg doc

dxwg-ACTION-213: Draft reply to kamhay, circulate with the group and then answer on the comments list

dxwg-ACTION-214: Add an additional section to the w3c conneg doc after requirements to lay our this subgroup's recommendations for fpwd

dxwg-ACTION-215: Draft responses to reqs 3, 4 & 8 to indicate how subgroup will answer all others, styalistically

dxwg-ACTION-216: Open github issue and clarify relationship between dctype:Dataset and dcat:Dataset in the document

dxwg-ACTION-217: Add public comment on issue 164

dxwg-ACTION-218: Reply to public comment

dxwg-ACTION-219: Review the profiles doc

dxwg-ACTION-220: Review the profiles doc

dxwg-ACTION-221: Review the profiles doc

dxwg-ACTION-222: Open issue to fix pattern for links within rec document

dxwg-ACTION-223: Check and bring back to the group

dxwg-ACTION-224: Bring back to the group a risk assessment on ietf draft

dxwg-ACTION-225: Add a paragraph into doc for "5. recommendations for first public working draft" as per comments above

dxwg-ACTION-226: Move "5. recommendations for first public working draft" into a subsection of the "status of this document"

Explanation of the many GitHub issues

F2F4 - make sure you are signed up

Fwd: ProfDesc representation of a DCAP

Fwd: TPAC 2018 - Registration fees and hotel bookings

Google search and Datasets

Minutes DCAT-Telecon2018.09.06 - Dataset Exchange Working Group

Minutes ProfGui-Telecon2018.09.05

Plenary agenda for Sept 25, 2018

ProfGui Agenda: September 5

ProfGui Agenda: September 5 - outlines

Profile guidance doc - structure from issue #242

pySHACL - SHACL validator

Relationship of DCAT revision and profiles

Suggested reply to Kam Hay Fung's mail on the comments list (FW: Feedback on profile negotiation I-D-Accept--Schema)

Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2018 13:31:20 UTC