Re: [dxwg] Distribution definition [RDIDF]

Do we have some conflicting perspectives @makxdekkers  - i think somethwhere you argued that using DCAT 1.0 to catalogue the DCAT-AP and its distribution resources  should be validly backwards compatible, but these resources are not informationally equivalent (if we agree either of the defs found by @agreiner are reasonable). 

I think we would need to formalise the Use Case and agree on its requirements, and would need the existing approaches to be populated to show that there are cases we need to handle where we need to assert information equivalence.  I think the general concern raised by @agreiner could be handled better by profile descriptions, particularly given the nuances of transformation that might exist in different contexts it would be hard to define a specific model and enforce it for all past DCAT usage.

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Received on Monday, 24 September 2018 23:20:07 UTC