Re: [dxwg] Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema). [ID41] (5.41)

Back to Makx's question "I do not understand why we can't just use the existing DCAT model of Dataset (for the profile) and Distribution":

I've just set up a profileDesc description of a dummy DC Application Profile for testing: [CSIRO ePublish Dublin Core Application Profile]( 

I've modelled the thing overall as a `Dataset` (given not by any RDF properties but just by the use of a URI with /dataset/ in it) and it's not great fun. I have the various profileDesc *Implementation Resource Descriptors* (the *Guidance* and *FullConstraint* objects in RDF, PDF, etc.) serving useful functions (allowing for multiple constraint representation and descriptive docs about the profile) but I don't see how any of this is easily mappable to a DCAT-like things such as `Dataset` & `Distribution` in any useful way.

I can see how there *may* be upper, abstract mappings possible but so what? Do we really need profiling artifacts to be slaved to even abstract versions of DCAT? Sure, one can abstract right up to `owl:Thing` and find mappings but, again, so what?

Can we perhaps concentrate on representing existing practice of profiling, with a nod to future practice, as *profiling*, not cataloguing, before we really pound the profiling/cataloguing crosswalks further? Else we might be hampering profile representation due to DCAT's embedded ways of operating.

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Received on Monday, 3 September 2018 06:27:51 UTC