[StratNavApp] Recent changes in your projects
AI for Enterprise Services
AIKR StratML strategy and the now CLEARLY DEFINED NEED for AI Technical and Ethical Strategists
Call for Papers - 9th International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (CDKP 2020)
can an RDF graph effectively record a taxonomy?
COVID19 RDF Dataset
Data Governance in AI
Draft for Public Smart Cities and Communities Federal Strategic Plan
For those who will venture into my code:
fun/wellebing as a measure of productivity
Fwd: New RFI Seeks Input on SRA Data Formats
generic parsers
- Sebastian Samaruga (Saturday, 30 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Friday, 8 May)
- Owen Ambur (Thursday, 7 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 7 May)
- Chris Fox (Thursday, 7 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 7 May)
- Owen Ambur (Thursday, 7 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 7 May)
- Jorge Sanchez (Thursday, 7 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Tuesday, 5 May)
- Jorge Sanchez (Tuesday, 5 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Monday, 4 May)
GitHub link
GitHub link - this time with the link
Giving Tech & AI for Public Interest
Knowledge representation and Disease Control frameworks using AI, KRIDs
knowledge representation and schizophrenia
KRID specification
Law Enforcement Algorithms
Linked Building Data (LBD) - Application Call
Meeting Report
Modzy & KDnuggets
NAM Report on AI in Health Care
namespace hiccup
namespace hiccup2
namespace hiccup2 - 3
next steps Goals, Objectives
Productivity. metrics, challenges etc
reflections on StratML
Semantics & StratML
Silent Meetings
Smart City Infrastructures, linked data on building design specifications and spatial adaptations for social distancing
Software documentation conventions/open standard (note work to be done)
- Paola Di Maio (Sunday, 31 May)
- Sebastian Samaruga (Sunday, 31 May)
- ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program (Thursday, 28 May)
- carl mattocks (Thursday, 28 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 28 May)
- Chris Fox (Thursday, 28 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Thursday, 28 May)
- carl mattocks (Wednesday, 27 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Tuesday, 26 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Tuesday, 26 May)
stratml stratnav vs wiki - parsers vs no parser
StratML XSD CSV file
Towards adopting stratml for the AIKRCG 'strategy': Meeting Report
- Paul Alagna (Wednesday, 27 May)
- ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program (Wednesday, 27 May)
- carl mattocks (Wednesday, 27 May)
- ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program (Wednesday, 27 May)
- Chris Fox (Wednesday, 27 May)
- carl mattocks (Wednesday, 27 May)
- carl mattocks (Wednesday, 27 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Wednesday, 27 May)
- carl mattocks (Tuesday, 26 May)
- Paola Di Maio (Monday, 18 May)
- carl mattocks (Thursday, 14 May)
types of knowledge
Updated invitation with note: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR purposes @ Tue May 12, 2020 9am - 10am (EDT) (public-aikr@w3.org)
Updated invitation: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR purposes @ Every 2 weeks from 9am to 10am on Tuesday 7 times (EDT) (public-aikr@w3.org)
Updated invitation: leveraging the StratML specification for AIKR purposes @ Every 2 weeks from 9am to 10am on Tuesday from Tue Apr 28 to Mon May 25 (EDT) (public-aikr@w3.org)
XML CSV file
Last message date: Sunday, 31 May 2020 23:42:54 UTC