Hi Paola,
Antlr is a well known tool for grammars. Anyway at StratML we rely on Xml schemas to describe and analyze the domain.
The original form is at Owens github (also on the stratml.us site):
You can find also the latest status of the wizard form at Vionta site (standalone client side):
Or the full web application (Java/Jakarta + maven) with the wizard form at:
Kind Regards.
---- On Mon, 04 May 2020 14:38:10 +0200 Paola Di Maio <mailto:paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote ----
There are a number of open source tools that ( they say) should be able to parse structured textI found antlr https://www.antlr.org/
do people know of others?
I wonder if we should/could evaluate existing tools to see if they can do the job befor building an ad hoc one
In addition, I t would be interesting to see the approach for jorge's parsers for stratml
is this work being done somewhere visible like githug or is it happening offline?