Re: Software documentation conventions/open standard (note work to be done)

This looks VERY PROMISING indeed. As I indicated earlier, in the Smart City framework I am fleshing out in an article, the interaction processes between component complex adaptive systems are important. The proposed roadmap for StratML we are creating would focuses on more on qualitative aspects than the actual data objects, software structures,architectures.
And qualitative requirements can be perfectly made visible in flowchart diagram protocols, which are already in use in life and bio sciences and medicine.
This also reiterates the need to use more generalized tools e.g. instead of KAIROS AND Apache UIMA.

Milton Ponson
GSM: +297 747 8280
PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
Project Paradigm: Bringing the ICT tools for sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide through collaborative research on applied mathematics, advanced modeling, software and standards development 

    On Thursday, May 28, 2020, 7:59:17 AM ADT, carl mattocks <> wrote:  
Suggest a useful AIKR extension to StratMl would be oriented towards a measurable use of TRUST Protocols - which the CG could define as part of an AIKR Trust Protocol Ontology
For reference see The Open Trust Protocol (OTrP)
It was a pleasure toclarify

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 2:21 AM Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

Chrisit would be a great start if we could modify stratml a little to produce an open standard for technical documentation. I have checked today and there seems to be on app to automate technical documentation/manual, so you could even end up selling/licensing itLet's work on this too!  

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 1:59 PM Chris Fox <> wrote:

My intuition is that StratML would be good for documenting what a software, process, architecture etc. aims to achieve. It would be less good a documenting how it actually works.
I say this as someone who is familiar with both StratML and with software development, process design and architectures.
On Thu, 28 May 2020 at 01:01, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

Well, documentation can be of software, of process, of architecture, of product and of course of standardthe ultimate documentation is a technical manual which goes into detail

To answer your question we would have to carry out a study - ie compare existing technical documentation standards to stratml  structure/elementsand identify what may be missing
My guess is that with some adaptation (adding sections) stratml could be used to produce technical documentation as well and it could be a good way
I m now thinking what is the best way to generate an open standard for technical documentationwith the least possible effort (given the scarcity of resources)and would not rule out a stratml approach if the group is interested to pursue that venue
Thinking further one could use stratml like features to automatically generate technical manuals toomaybe that could be turned into a product itself

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 9:46 PM carl mattocks <> wrote:

Would you accept that an AI Strategist plan for an AI System  crafted /published, via StratML, would be a good use of an open standard for documentation?

It was a pleasure toclarify

On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 10:11 PM Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

Thanks for starting to share snippets of ideas and code, such as krid and parser for stratml 
//I come from a systems documentation background - I teach a course as I learned thetrade from an emeritus :-)//

May I remind the list that it is good practice to document and share work being done in waysthat it can be intelligible . (should say what it is, how to use it etc)
(If something cannot be understood or does not make any sense because it is incomplete or truncated or devoided of context, could be ignored or generate revulsion)
I note the lack of open standards for software documentation as a possible to be done/long term deliverable for this or other CGs (work to be done?)If someone knows of an open standards for software documentation, please share it here!
Here some pointers,
1. Good practices in documenting software/code  
2. Good example of adoption of good practice Open Stack 

Please consider sharing ideas and software in a way that it can be understood and usedby others on the list, thanks!!

Chris Fox
Chris C Fox Consulting Limited
 +44 77 860 21712               
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Received on Thursday, 28 May 2020 22:20:54 UTC