namespace hiccup

namespace hiccup
Paul Alagna - 5/20/2020


Found a hiccup in my processing of the StratML XSD.
It has to do with namespaces in an XSD

The intention of namespaces is to alert the user that the meaning, format or usage of this particular word is now under the control of another XSD (the namespace's XSD)

Two things have to happen here.

1- in the schema statement the namespace name and namespace xsd need to be recorded EG xmlns:xsd="" OR
xmlns:Lib="" OR
(Except for "xml:" because there are ALWAYS exceptions). 

This value "" points to an XSD file   ""
Please note that the final ".xsd" is by default unstated - because there are ALWAYS exceptions.

2- The usage of that name must include that namespace 
IE Lib:attribute="funnyYouShouldAsk" should trigger a translation into the "Lib" repository for "attribute"

Well, the problem is that in StratML.xsd
the schema definition does not point to an xsd file. 
xmlns:stratml="urn:ISO:std:iso:17469:tech:xsd:stratml_core" is NOT a file name.

Therefore, the xmlns called "Stratml" doesn't point anywhere. so parsing "stratml:Name" has no referent.

In your defense, you made the assumption that the "stratml" namespace was *this* namespace. So "stratml:Name" dips back in as name="Name" 
which might help human readers but that's not how AIKR capability machines read. Those buggers want rules to follow. And besides it's now a violation of XSD standards.

I'm fully prepared to create repositories for each namespace and process "stratml:Name" against a "stratml" repository. 



Received on Thursday, 21 May 2020 01:39:38 UTC