Re: Software documentation conventions/open standard (note work to be done)

My intuition is that StratML would be good for documenting *what *a
software, process, architecture etc. aims to achieve. It would be less good
a documenting how it actually works.

I say this as someone who is familiar with both StratML and with software
development, process design and architectures.

On Thu, 28 May 2020 at 01:01, Paola Di Maio <> wrote:

> Well, documentation can be of software, of process, of architecture, of
> product and of course of standard
> the ultimate documentation is a technical manual which goes into detail
> To answer your question we would have to carry out a study -
> ie compare existing technical documentation standards to stratml
> structure/elements
> and identify what may be missing
> My guess is that with some adaptation (adding sections) stratml could be
> used to produce technical documentation as well and it could be a good way
> I m now thinking what is the best way to generate an open standard for
> technical documentation
> with the least possible effort (given the scarcity of resources)
> and would not rule out a stratml approach if the group is interested to
> pursue that venue
> Thinking further one could use stratml like features to automatically
> generate technical manuals too
> maybe that could be turned into a product itself
> p
> On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 9:46 PM carl mattocks <>
> wrote:
>> Paola
>> Would you accept that an AI Strategist plan for an AI System  crafted
>> /published, via StratML, would be a good use of an open standard for
>> documentation?
>> Carl
>> It was a pleasure to clarify
>> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 10:11 PM Paola Di Maio <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for starting to share snippets of ideas and code, such as krid
>>> and parser for stratml
>>> //I come from a systems documentation background - I teach a course as I
>>> learned the
>>> trade from an emeritus :-)//
>>> May I remind the list that it is good practice to document and share
>>> work being done in ways
>>> that it can be intelligible . (should say what it is, how to use it etc)
>>> (If something cannot be understood or does not make any sense because it
>>> is incomplete
>>> or truncated or devoided of context, could be ignored or generate
>>> revulsion)
>>> I note the lack of open standards for software documentation as a
>>> possible to be done/long term deliverable
>>> for this or other CGs (work to be done?)
>>> If someone knows of an open standards for software documentation, please
>>> share it here!
>>> Here some pointers,
>>> 1. Good practices in documenting software/code
>>> 2. Good example of adoption of good practice Open Stack
>>> <>
>>> Please consider sharing ideas and software in a way that it can be
>>> understood and used
>>> by others on the list, thanks!!
>>> pdm

Chris Fox
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Received on Thursday, 28 May 2020 05:59:26 UTC