Towards adopting stratml for the AIKRCG 'strategy': Meeting Report

 Towards adopting stratml for the AIKRCG 'strategy' ...
Given we are AIKR ... we understand that Kairos  signifies a proper or
opportune time for action  and our usage of StratMl to EXPLAIN makes us
interested in Knowledge-directed Artificial Intelligence Reasoning Over
Schemas (KAIROS) DARPA-SN-19-19 .

Our discussions have focused on:
StratML is our Schema start point  for reasoning, as in, the performance of
AIKR   inference
<>s is scoped
/ weighed by the declared strategy.
AIKR reasoning uses KRID identifiers and data (aka metadata) properties,
such as KR TYPE.
KR Types include Declarative and Imperative  (aka procedural).


It was a pleasure to clarify

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 7:37 AM Paola Di Maio <>

> It is under Owen and Chris's leadership that we are making some progress
> towards
> adopting stratml for the AIKRCG 'strategy'
> In sum. what are we doing/planning to do as a group is going to be
> documented in the plan. and although we are still working  things out, as
> we do have moments of brilliance and outbursts of productivity we can put
> them down in this stratml plan on the stratnav app so that they ll be a
> record of that. should be useful. I apologize again for being very tired
> but 9 pm is very late for me. especially when I have had a full day incl
> other calls etc-
> a few notes below
> the plan being developed here
>> <>.
>> if anyone is inspired to chip in pls ask editing pass to Chris on this list
>> With reference to our Frameworks goal
>> <>,
>> I will endeavor to render in StratML Part 2 format any frameworks that may
>> be discovered and available on the Web.  Please apprise me of any of which
>> you are aware.
> To clarify -  Jorge aske whether we are using any framework of reference
> for our work. which loosely attempts  to study explainability for machine
> learning. That particular goal for our CG may need to be refined a little -
> I dont think a frameworks exists as such (strategies, methods) but there is
> interesting work being done, which I dont think is a framework yet. rather
> a compilation of possible techniques. the effectiveness of which may need
> to be evaluated in the field. So to answer the question, methods to address
> explainability of ML exist but
> a) I dont think are frameworks/strategies - this may be our goal? to
> gather what is in the field and make a framework?
> b) evaluation criteria for the effectiveness of these methods may not yet
> be studied, again
> could this be our work? I am doing some research in this direction but not
> yet conclusive
>  I volunteered to take up this task and shall soon update the plan with
> some links but  I am putting together a presentation-
>  anyone want to contribute?
> The caveat is that  statistical pronability and non parametric methods in
> ML are  unpredictable by definition
> (this is not my field at all, does anyone care to expand?)
> so I am not sure how to address this unpredictability other than with the
> question
> Can we use known symbolilc KR to  explain ML?
> In the meantime, this Google site-specific query
>> <>
>> of the StratML collection turns up about 29 hits on the terms "AI
>> framework".  Here's <>
>> the top paid ad-placed hit (not yet in the StratML collection but soon to
>> be).
> thanks -  how do we query for ML explainability framework (a bit more
> precise semantically in relation to what we are doing here)
> KRID -  Carl is putting forward a category/concept/type  whereby KR is
> identified
> so KRID = some value to describe KR identity
> Carl started by suggesting the top level distinction for this concept
> would be
> declarative/procedural
> i  do not yet have an opinion about this, but would request Carl to start
> sketching out
> the taxonomy for KRID as he envisions it. so that we can have a discussion
> about it
> One considertation is: to what extent is declarative/procedural knowledge
> relevant to support ML?  or is KRID intended for AI in general (not ML) .
> Carl perhaps you should create this as a goal for yourself.Also could you
> clarify the relation of KRID to KAIROS?
> Thanks!

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2020 14:10:04 UTC